Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thursday, May 24, 2018 -- Day B

TJMS Student Announcements - Thursday, May 24, 2018 -- Day B

1) Birthdays Today - May 24th...Cole Benn, Matthew Butler, Courtney Julson.

2) Memory Books are for sale in the main office. Please bring in $12 dollars to reserve your copy of the 2017-2018 Memory Book.

3) If you have any boxtops at home please bring them into the LRC before May 31st. We will be sending them in before summer vacation. We use the boxtops money to buy books and items for the LRC.

4) Track students please return your uniforms in a bag with your name on it to Mrs. Haverland or Mrs. Moore.

5) The office is receiving informational brochures for camps this summer. Stop by the main office to see what is being offered. Different ones are being added every week.

6) There are no more checkouts from the LRC for this year. All library and text books must be returned to the LRC by Friday, May 25th.

7) There will be no Senior volleyball open gym this Sunday, May 26th, due to the Memorial Day weekend. This was our last scheduled open gym for the school year. More information to follow for future open gyms. Thank you.

8) With warmer weather upon us, many students are wanting to have water with them throughout the day. Our expectation is that students use see through bottles that contain only water. Colored and flavored drinks are not allowed. Flavor packets are also not allowed and can not be added to the water.