Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013 Day B

1) Any 6th grade student interested in participating in Track and Field, make sure you have a physical and concussion form on file with the main office. 6th grade track will start September 3rd.

2) Get your LEAP registration forms turned into the main office ASAP. LEAP programs are first come first serve.

3) Birthdays Today - August 28th...Bailey Otting, Grace Specht. August 29th...Patrina Livai, Marvin Oberbroeckling.

4) Attention...Any student that is in Band - Orchestra - Choir and do not want to be in it, please let Mr. Lehman know by Friday, August 30th. If he is not notified you will be stuck in that class until the end of the 1st Trimester.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Student Announcements - Tuesday, August 27, 2013 Day B

Due to excessive heat, all Dubuque Schools will be dismissing 2 hours early.  There are no after-school sports practices on any early release days.

1) Any 6th grade student interested in participating in Track and Field, make sure you have a physical and concussion form on file with the main office. 6th grade track will start September 3rd.

2) Get your LEAP registration forms turned into the main office ASAP. LEAP programs are first come first serve.

3) Birthdays Today - August 27th...Daron Collins, Rigo Ibarra, Addison Kalb.

4) Bus 821, which was in the front of the building, will now load students from the back of Jefferson.

5) Picture Day is Wednesday, August 28th. You will be photographed even if you are not purchasing any pictures. If you need a picture packet, please stop by the main office for one.