Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS - Student Announcements - Wednesday, September 30, 2015 -- Day A

1) Birthdays Today - September 30th...Andrew Anderson, Kaliena Betwell.

2) Girls Intramural Track and Field will practice today from 2:30 to 4:15 p.m.

3) Sports Today - Girls Red Volleyball...Jefferson Red vs. Washington White. 7th grade at Washington and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games begin at 4 p.m.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS - Student Announcements - Tuesday, September 29, 2015 -- Day B

1) Birthdays Today - September 29th...Jasmine Lewis.

2) Today, September 29th at 11:00 a.m. in the LRC, there will be a TJMS Live meeting for ALL 7th and 8th grade students interested in joining the crew. Come to the LRC at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, even if you haven't completed an application. We need students who are good readers to be anchors, good writers to write the script, and also techy students to run the cameras and edit the show. This year the crew will meet at 11 a.m., so band/choir/orchestra students are able to participate, too! Please see Mrs. Hancock with any questions. See you on Tuesday!

3) Boys Intramural Track and Field will practice today from 2:30 to 4:15 p.m.

4) Sports Today - Girls Gold Volleyball...Jefferson Gold vs. Roosevelt Purple. 7th grade at Roosevelt and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games begin at 4 p.m.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS - Student Announcements - Monday, September 28, 2015 -- Day A

1) Birthdays Today - September 28th...Tyler Dryer, Timothy Gronau, Jason Hyde.

2) On Tuesday, September 29th at 11:00 a.m. in the LRC, there will be a TJMS Live meeting for ALL students interested in joining the crew. Come to the LRC at 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday, even if you haven't completed an application. We need students who are good readers to be anchors, good writers to write the script, and also techy students to run the cameras and edit the show. This year the crew will meet at 11 a.m., so band/choir/orchestra students are able to participate, too! Please see Mrs. Hancock with any questions. See you on Tuesday!

3) Girls Intramural Track and Field will practice today from 2:30 to 4:15 p.m.

4) Sports Today - 7th Grade Football...Jefferson vs. Galena at Galena beginning at 4:15 p.m.

5) Sports Today - Girls Gold Volleyball...Jefferson Gold vs. Roosevelt Silver. 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Roosevelt; both games begin at 4 p.m.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS - Student Announcements - Friday, September 25, 2015 -- Day B

1) Birthdays Today - September 25th...Damon Fransen, Elleyna Heims. September 26th...Gabrielle Liptak. September 27th...Mackenzie Cook, Emma Gowen, Kaylee Hantelmann.

2) On Tuesday, September 29th at 11:00 a.m. in the LRC, there will be a TJMS Live meeting for ALL students interested in joining the crew. Come to the LRC at 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday, even if you haven't completed an application. We need students who are good readers to be anchors, good writers to write the script, and also techy students to run the cameras and edit the show. This year the crew will meet at 11 a.m., so band/choir/orchestra students are able to participate, too! Please see Mrs. Hancock with any questions. See you on Tuesday!

3) Students who are applying for Lego League and Mock Trial - your applications are due by the end of the day on Tuesday in the main office!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS - Student Announcements - Thursday, September 24, 2015 -- Day A

1) Birthdays Today - September 24th...Jackson Heiderscheit, Mya Wallace.

2) Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student who is a creative thinker, problem solver, and team player should check out Jefferson's First Lego League teams. Introductory meetings will be held on Wednesday, Sept 23 during Pd 4 for 7th/8th grade and on Thursday, Sept 24 during Pd 0 for 6th grade in the small cafeteria. You will receive more information about Lego League and be given an application that must be completed by September 30. If you are interested, contact Ms. Weber for more information.

3) Order in the Court! We are looking for 7th and 8th grade students who would like to be involved in mock trial. If you are a quick thinker and like to act, check out this fun program. An introductory meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept 24 during Pd 4 in the small cafeteria. If you are interested, contact Ms. Weber for more information.

4) We are happy to announce that Drama 101 will again be part of LEAP programs. Students can sign up with Mrs. Beau after school in café. Classes will be Tuesday/Thursday, beginning September 22nd. Class will run from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. Drama 101 is a great introduction to the work and experiences of our school musical.

5) Boys Track and Field Intramurals will be practicing today from 2:30-4:15 p.m.

6) Sports Today - 7th Grade Football...Jefferson vs. Washington at Washington beginning at 4:15 p.m.

7) Sports Today - 8th Grade Football...Jefferson vs. Mazzuchelli at Jefferson at 4:15 p.m.

8) Sports Today - Girls Red Volleyball...Jefferson Red vs. Washington Blue. 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Washington; both games begin at 4 p.m.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS - Student Announcements - September 23, 2015 -- Day B

1) Birthdays Today - September 23rd...No birthdays today.

2) Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student who is a creative thinker, problem solver, and team player should check out Jefferson's First Lego League teams. Introductory meetings will be held on Wednesday, Sept 23 during Pd 4 for 7th/8th grade and on Thursday, Sept 24 during Pd 0 for 6th grade in the small cafeteria. You will receive more information about Lego League and be given an application that must be completed by September 30. If you are interested, contact Ms. Weber for more information.

3) Order in the Court! We are looking for 7th and 8th grade students who would like to be involved in mock trial. If you are a quick thinker and like to act, check out this fun program. An introductory meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept 24 during Pd 4 in the small cafeteria. If you are interested, contact Ms. Weber for more information.

4) We are happy to announce that Drama 101 will again be part of LEAP programs. Students can sign up with Mrs. Beau after school in café. Classes will be Tuesday/Thursday, beginning September 22nd. Class will run from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. Drama 101 is a great introduction to the work and experiences of our school musical.

5) Girls Track and Field Intramurals will be practicing today from 2:30-4:15 p.m.

6) Sports Today - Girls Gold Volleyball...Jefferson Gold vs. Washington Blue. 7th grade at Washington and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games begin at 4 p.m.

7) TJMS Live! is now accepting applications from students who are interested in being a part of the production crew! We need 7th or 8th grade students for both onscreen and behind the scenes jobs such as video editing and running the cameras. Please stop by Mrs. Schmitz, the guidance secretary's, office and pick up your application. They must be signed by you and a parent and turned in by today, September 23rd to be considered for a position on the crew! Please see Mrs. Hancock if you have any questions.

8) HillHawks are reminded to be the BEST at taking the MAP tests this Fall, be on your Best Behavior so it’s quiet during test, give your Best Effort, have your Best Attitude, and have your Best Self-Discipline to concentrate and focus. Good Luck HillHawks!

9) Students are reminded to go to their designated area if you arrive before 7:40 a.m. Students can only use their lockers before 7:40 if your locker is located in your designated area. 6th graders=6th grade area. 7th graders=7th grade hallway. 8th graders=8th grade hallway by library, Lee, Streets, Boxleiter homebases outside bottom floor Science hallway. Students cannot go to Band/choir or gym lockers before 7:40.

10) Students are remind to stay out of the streets when walking to and from school. At no time should students be in the middle of the street impeding traffic in anyway. Always use the sidewalk, Be your B.E.S.T. HillHawks and being your best means staying Safe.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS - Student Announcements - Tuesday, September 22, 2015 -- Day A

1) Birthdays Today - September 22nd...Austin Barry, Autumn Strong.

2) Any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student who is a creative thinker, problem solver, and team player should check out Jefferson's First Lego League teams. Introductory meetings will be held on Wednesday, Sept 23 during Pd 4 for 7th/8th grade and on Thursday, Sept 24 during Pd 0 for 6th grade in the small cafeteria. You will receive more information about Lego League and be given an application that must be completed by September 30. If you are interested, contact Ms. Weber for more information.

3) Order in the Court! We are looking for 7th and 8th grade students who would like to be involved in mock trial. If you are a quick thinker and like to act, check out this fun program. An introductory meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept 24 during Pd 4 in the small cafeteria. If you are interested, contact Ms. Weber for more information.

4) We are happy to announce that Drama 101 will again be part of LEAP programs. Students can sign up with Mrs. Beau after school in café. Classes will be Tuesday/Thursday, beginning September 22nd. Class will run from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. Drama 101 is a great introduction to the work and experiences of our school musical.

5) Boys Track and Field Intramurals will be practicing today from 2:30-4:15 p.m.

6) Sports Today - 7th Grade Football...Jefferson vs. Washington at Jefferson beginning at 4:15 p.m.

7) Sports Today - Girls & Boys Cross Country...Cross Country Meet tonight at the Dubuque Soccer Complex beginning at 4:30 p.m.

8) Students who checked out books at the beginning of this year are now overdue. If you haven't already, please return the book to the LRC as soon as you can. Be aware that MAP testing may be going on. Quiet is appreciated. Thank you from the Library staff.

9) TJMS Live! is now accepting applications from students who are interested in being a part of the production crew! We need 7th or 8th grade students for both onscreen and behind the scenes jobs such as video editing and running the cameras. Please stop by Mrs. Schmitz, the guidance secretary's, office and pick up your application. They must be signed by you and a parent and turned in by Wednesday, September 23rd to be considered for a position on the crew! Please see Mrs. Hancock if you have any questions.

10) HillHawks are reminded to be the BEST at taking the MAP tests this Fall, be on your Best Behavior so it’s quiet during test, give your Best Effort, have your Best Attitude, and have your Best Self-Discipline to concentrate and focus. Good Luck HillHawks!

11) Students are reminded to go to their designated area if you arrive before 7:40 a.m. Students can only use their lockers before 7:40 if your locker is located in your designated area. 6th graders=6th grade area. 7th graders=7th grade hallway. 8th graders=8th grade hallway by library, Lee, Streets, Boxleiter homebases outside bottom floor Science hallway. Students cannot go to Band/choir or gym lockers before 7:40.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS - Student Announcements - Monday, September 21, 2015 -- Day B

1) Birthdays Today - September 21st...Keshauna Bodley, Liberty Jones, Samantha Washington.

2) Be sure to turn your Fundraiser money an tickets today.

3) We are happy to announce that Drama 101 will again be part of LEAP programs. Students can sign up with Mrs. Beau after school in café. Classes will be Tuesday/Thursday, beginning September 22nd. Class will run from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. Drama 101 is a great introduction to the work and experiences of our school musical.

4) Girls Track and Field Intramurals will be practicing today from 2:30-4:15 p.m.

5) Sports Today - 8th Grade Football...Jefferson vs. Roosevelt Silver at Jefferson beginning at 4:15 p.m.

6) Sports Today - Girls Gold Volleyball...Jefferson Gold vs. Roosevelt Silver. 7th grade at Roosevelt and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games begin at 4:00 p.m.

7) Students who checked out books at the beginning of this year are now overdue. If you haven't already, please return the book to the LRC as soon as you can. Be aware that MAP testing may be going on. Quiet is appreciated. Thank you from the Library staff.

8) TJMS Live! is now accepting applications from students who are interested in being a part of the production crew! We need 7th or 8th grade students for both onscreen and behind the scenes jobs such as video editing and running the cameras. Please stop by Mrs. Schmitz, the guidance secretary's, office and pick up your application. They must be signed by you and a parent and turned in by Wednesday, September 23rd to be considered for a position on the crew! Please see Mrs. Hancock if you have any questions.

9) HilllHawks are reminded to be the BEST at taking the MAP tests this Fall, be on your Best Behavior so it’s quiet during test, give your Best Effort, have your Best Attitude, and have your Best Self-Discipline to concentrate and focus. Good Luck HillHawks!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS - Student Announcements - Friday, September 18, 2015 -- Day A

1) The Jefferson Activity Bus will add a new stop to our route. We will now stop at Tanzanite and Mount Alpine at approximately 4:43 p.m.

2) Birthdays Today - September 18th...Caleb Heims, Jacqueline Mootz, Kaitlyn Nauman, Ian Ninneman. September 19th...Geenaly Carmona, Ivy Dearstone, Jared Sabers.

3) The last day of Fundraiser Sales is Monday, September 21st.

4) Parents of 7th Grade Students...If your student has not gotten their Tdap booster shot, this will need to be done as soon as possible. This is a requirement of the state. Please call your physician or the VNA to get the immunization and request they send a copy of the record to the school nurse. The VNA will be at Kids Expo on October 10th, please call them at 556-6200 to make an appointment.

5) We are happy to announce that Drama 101 will again be part of LEAP programs. Students can sign up with Mrs. Beau after school in café. Classes will be Tuesday/Thursday, beginning September 22nd. Class will run from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. Drama 101 is a great introduction to the work and experiences of our school musical.

6) Sports Today - Girls Red Volleyball...Jefferson Red vs. Roosevelt Purple. 7th grade at Roosevelt and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games begin at 4 p.m.

7) Sports Today - Girls and Boys Cross Country...Cross Country Meet at Fillmore Gold Course beginning at 4:30 p.m.

8) Students who checked out books at the beginning of this year are now overdue. If you haven't already, please return the book to the LRC as soon as you can. Be aware that MAP testing may be going on. Quiet is appreciated. Thank you from the Library staff.

9) This Friday night at Dalzell Field all 8th grade football players can get into the game for free if you wear your Jefferson Jersey. You will walk the track between the sophomore and varsity games across the grandstand and get recognized. See you there HillHawks! Join the HillHawk Athletics twitter page at @GoHillHawks. Just a reminder HillHawks who are attending varsity football games at Dalzell you need to be your BEST, and follow these rules. •Sit in the Middle School student section, unless you are sitting with your parents; •No hanging out behind the bleachers by concession stands or restrooms; •No backpacks; •No horseplay, or hands-on activities; •No throwing of food/drink; •Must stay on home side of bleachers; •Stay out of team room area; •No students allowed in press box area or on elevator; •Listen to authority or you will be asked to leave game, and you may not be permitted back until next season; •Questions see Mr. Hatcher.

10) TJMS Live! is now accepting applications from students who are interested in being a part of the production crew! We need 7th or 8th grade students for both onscreen and behind the scenes jobs such as video editing and running the cameras. Please stop by Mrs. Schmitz, the guidance secretary's, office and pick up your application. They must be signed by you and a parent and turned in by Wednesday, September 23rd to be considered for a position on the crew! Please see Mrs. Hancock if you have any questions.

11) HIlllHawks are reminded to be the BEST at taking the MAP tests this Fall, be on your Best Behavior so it’s quiet during test, give your Best Effort, have your Best Attitude, and have your Best Self-Discipline to concentrate and focus. Good Luck HillHawks!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS - Student Announcements - Thursday, September 17, 2015 -- Day B

1) The Jefferson Activity Bus will add a new stop to our route. We will now stop at Tanzanite and Mount Alpine at approximately 4:43 p.m.

2) 6th grade boys track and field intra-murals will meet today from 2:30-4:15 p.m.

3) Birthdays Today - September 17th...Noah Francois, McKennan Saunders, Neildrin Tunque.

4) The last day of Fundraiser Sales is Monday, September 21st.

5) Parents of 7th Grade Students...If your student has not gotten their Tdap booster shot, this will need to be done as soon as possible. This is a requirement of the state. Please call your physician or the VNA to get the immunization and request they send a copy of the record to the school nurse. The VNA will be at Kids Expo on October 10th, please call them at 556-6200 to make an appointment.

6) Sports Today - 7th Grade Football...Jefferson vs. Washington at Washington beginning at 4:15 p.m.

7) Sports Today - Girls Gold Volleyball...Jefferson Gold vs. Roosevelt Black. 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Roosevelt; both games begin at 4 p.m.

8) Students who checked out books at the beginning of this year are now overdue. If you haven't already, please return the book to the LRC as soon as you can. Be aware that MAP testing may be going on. Quiet is appreciated. Thank you from the Library staff.

9) This Friday night at Dalzell Field all 8th grade football players can get into the game for free if you wear your Jefferson Jersey. You will walk the track between the sophomore and varsity games across the grandstand and get recognized. See you there HillHawks! Join the HillHawk Athletics twitter page at @GoHillHawks. Just a reminder HillHawks who are attending varsity football games at Dalzell you need to be your BEST, and follow these rules. 

•Sit in the Middle School student section, unless you are sitting with your parents;
•No hanging out behind the bleachers by concession stands or restrooms; 
•No backpacks; 
•No horseplay, or hands-on activities; 
•No throwing of food/drink;
•Must stay on home side of bleachers; 
•Stay out of team room area; 
•No students allowed in press box area or on elevator;
•Listen to authority or you will be asked to leave game, and you may not be permitted back until next season; 
•Questions see Mr. Hatcher.

10) TJMS Live! is now accepting applications from students who are interested in being a part of the production crew! We need 7th or 8th grade students for both onscreen and behind the scenes jobs such as video editing and running the cameras. Please stop by Mrs. Schmitz, the guidance secretary's, office and pick up your application. They must be signed by you and a parent and turned in by Wednesday, September 23rd to be considered for a position on the crew! Please see Mrs. Hancock if you have any questions.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS - Student Announcements - Wednesday, September 16, 2015 -- Day A

1) The Jefferson Activity Bus will add a new stop to our route. We will now stop at Tanzanite and Mount Alpine at approximately 4:43 p.m.

2) 6th grade girls track and field intra-murals will meet today from 2:30-4:15 p.m.

3) Birthdays Today - September 16, 2015...Logan Scherf, Derek Velstra.

4) The last day of Fundraiser Sales is Monday, September 21st.

5) Parents of 7th Grade Students...If your student has not gotten their Tdap booster shot, this will need to be done as soon as possible. This is a requirement of the state. Please call your physician or the VNA to get the immunization and request they send a copy of the record to the school nurse. The VNA will be at Kids Expo on October 10th, please call them at 556-6200 to make an appointment.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS - Student Announcements - Tuesday, September 15, 2015 -- Day B

1) The Jefferson Activity Bus will add a new stop to our route. We will now stop at Tanzanite and Mount Alpine at approximately 4:43 p.m.

2) 6th grade boys track and field intra-murals will meet today from 2:30-4:15 p.m.

3) Congratulations to Mr. Lee and Mrs. Duran's homebase classes for winning the 2015 Fall Spirit Day Bed Sheet races. Congrats to house 8-1 and House 6-2 for having the cheer with the most school spirit! They will hold the coveted Spirit Stick for the remainder of the year.

4) Birthdays Today - September 15, 2015...Jaynen Butler, Dylan Kane, Kalyn Schemmel.

5) Sports Today - 8th Grade Football...Jefferson vs. Drexler Black at Jefferson beginning at 4:15 p.m.

6) Sports Today - Girls Red Volleyball...Jefferson Red vs. Roosevelt Purple. 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Roosevelt; both games beginning at 4 p.m.

7) Sports Today - Girls and Boys Cross Country. Cross country meet at Dubuque Soccer Complex beginning at 4:30 p.m.

8) Next Fundraiser Turn-In is Wednesday, September 16th. The last day of Fundraiser Sales is Monday, September 21st.

9) 7th Grade students...If you have not gotten your Tdap booster shot, this will need to be done as soon as possible. This is a requirement of the state. Please call your physician or the VNA to get the immunization and request they send a copy of the record to the school nurse. The VNA will be at Kids Expo on October 10th, please call them at 556-6200 to make an appointment.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS - Student Announcements - Monday, September 14, 2015 -- Day A

1) The Jefferson Activity Bus will add a new stop to our route. We will now stop at Tanzanite and Mount Alpine at approximately 4:43 p.m.

2) 6th grade girls track and field intramurals will meet today from 2:30-4:15 p.m.

3) Congratulations to Mr. Lee and Mrs. Duran's homebase classes for winning the 2015 Fall Spirit Day Bed Sheet races. Congrats to House 8-1 and House 6-2 for having the cheer with the most school spirit! They will hold the coveted Spirit Stick for the remainder of the year.

4) Keep selling those discount cards.  The boat cruise for the top selling homebases is still up for grabs!  If you need more discount cards, contact the main office at 552-4700.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS - Student Announcements - Friday, September 11, 2015 -- Day B

1) Students participating in any sport at Jefferson need a sports physical on file with the main office. Physicals are good for 13 months. If you need help getting a physical see Mr. Hatcher ASAP!

2) Happy Birthday - September 11th...Austin Davis, Cristian Jimenez. September 12th...Miranda Blackburn, Becca Breitbach. September 13th...Jose Lopez, Tiana Robles.

3) Any 6th, 7th or 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball this Fall, see Mr. Hatcher for more details or contact Coach Smith at

4) The Jefferson Activity Bus will add a new stop to our route. We will now stop at Tanzanite and Mount Alpine at approximately 4:43 p.m.

5) 6th grade boys track and field intra-murals will meet today from 2:30-4:15 p.m.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS - Student Announcements - Thursday, September 10, 2015 -- Day A

1) Students participating in any sport at Jefferson need a sports physical on file with the main office. Physicals are good for 13 months. If you need help getting a physical see Mr. Hatcher ASAP!

2) Happy Birthday - September 10th...Calinda Avenarius, Taylor Cota, Andres Flores, Emma Hastings.

3) Any 6th, 7th or 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball this Fall, see Mr. Hatcher for more details or contact Coach Smith at

4) The Jefferson Activity Bus will add a new stop to our route. We will now stop at Tanzanite and Mount Alpine at approximately 4:43 p.m.

5) 6th grade girls track and field intra-murals is today from 2:30-4:15 p.m.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS - Student Announcements - Wednesday, September 9, 2015 -- Day B

1) Students participating in any sport at Jefferson need a sports physical on file with the main office. Physicals are good for 13 months. If you need help getting a physical see Mr. Hatcher ASAP!

2) Happy Birthday - September 9th...Alex Lynch,, Merrisses Pease, Adria Schumacher.

3) Any 6th, 7th or 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball this Fall, see Mr. Hatcher for more details or contact Coach Smith at

4) The Jefferson Activity Bus will add a new stop to our route. We will now stop at Tanzanite and Mount Alpine at approximately 4:43 p.m.

5) 6th grade boys track and field intra-murals begin today from 2:30-4:15 p.m.

The Boys and Girls Club will open for the year starting today.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS Student Announcements - Tuesday, September 8, 2015 -- Day A
1) Students participating in any sport at Jefferson need a sports physical on file with the main office. Physicals are good for 13 months. If you need help getting a physical see Mr. Hatcher ASAP!

2) Happy Birthday - September 8th...Kaydence Arensdorf, Kiana Lenz.

3) Any 6th, 7th or 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball this Fall, see Mr. Hatcher for more details or contact Coach Smith at

4) The Jefferson Activity Bus will add a new stop to our route. We will now stop at Tanzanite and Mount Alpine at approximately 4:43 p.m.

5) 6th grade girls track and field intramurals begin today from 2:30-4:15 p.m. Boys will begin tomorrow.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday, September 4, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS Student Announcements - Friday, September 4, 2015 -- Day B

1) Students participating in any sport at Jefferson need a sports physical on file with the main office. Physicals are good for 13 months. If you need help getting a physical see Mr. Hatcher ASAP!

2) LEAP programs start September 14th, all registrations need to be returned to the main office by September 4th. Remember this is a first come, first serve program. Some activities, spots are limited. Your homebase teacher will have more info.

3) Boys and girls 6th grade track and field intramurals will start September 8th. Volleyball and Football for the 6th grades take place in the Spring. Students need to have a sports physical to participate.

4) Happy Birthday - September 3rd...Hayle Hall. September 5th...Jenna Mauer. September 6th...Broderick Hollister. September 7th...Taitem Marburger.

5) Any 6th, 7th or 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball this Fall, see Mr. Hatcher for more details or contact Coach Smith at

6) HillHawks are encourage to cheer on the Mustangs tonight at Dalzel Field when they take on cross-town rivals, the Golden Eagles from Wahlert. Hillhawks be your BEST at the game tonight, represent the HillHawks, your family, and yourself with good behavior.

7) The Jefferson Activity Bus will add a new stop to our route. We will now stop at Tanzanite and Mount Alpine at approximately 4:43 p.m.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS Student Daily Announcements 
1) Students participating in any sport at Jefferson need a sports physical on file with the main office. Physicals are good for 13 months. If you need help getting a physical see Mr. Hatcher ASAP!

2) LEAP programs start September 14th, all registrations need to be returned to the main office by September 4th. Remember this is a first come, first serve program. Some activities, spots are limited. Your homebase teacher will have more info.

3) Boys and girls 6th grade track and field intramural's will start September 8th. Volleyball and Football for the 6th grades take place in the Spring. Students need to have a sports physical to participate.

4) Picture Day is Friday, September 4th. Remember to bring your picture packets back.

5) 7th and 8th grade volleyball, cross country and football practices start today, September 1st from 2:30 to 4:15. Jefferson will again have the Activity Bus running after school for students to use, please board the bus at 4:15 in the back of the school.

6) Any 6th, 7th or 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball this Fall, see Mr. Hatcher for more details or contact Coach Smith at

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tuesday, September 2, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS Student Daily Announcements Tuesday, September 2, 2015 -- Day B
1) Students participating in any sport at Jefferson need a sports physical on file with the main office. Physicals are good for 13 months. If you need help getting a physical see Mr. Hatcher ASAP!
2) LEAP programs start September 14th, all registrations need to be returned to the main office by September 4th. Remember this is a first come, first serve program. Some activities, spots are limited. Your homebase teacher will have more info.
3) Boys and girls 6th grade track and field intramural's will start September 8th. Volleyball and Football for the 6th grades take place in the Spring. Students need to have a sports physical to participate.
4) Picture Day is Friday, September 4th. Remember to bring your picture packets back.
5) 7th and 8th grade volleyball, cross country and football practices start today, September 1st from 2:30 to 4:15. Jefferson will again have the Activity Bus running after school for students to use, please board the bus at 4:15 in the back of the school.
6)  Any 6th, 7th or 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball this Fall, see Mr. Hatcher for more details or contact Coach Smith at

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS Student Daily Announcements Tuesday, September 1, 2-15 -- Day A

1) Students participating in any sport at Jefferson need a sports physical on file with the main office. Physicals are good for 13 months. If you need help getting a physical see Mr. Hatcher ASAP!

2) LEAP programs start September 14th, all registrations need to be returned to the main office by September 4th. Remember this is a first come, first serve program. Some activities, spots are limited. Your homebase teacher will have more info.

3) Boys and girls 6th grade track and field intramural's will start September 8th. Volleyball and Football for the 6th grades take place in the Spring. Students need to have a sports physical to participate.

4) Picture Day is Friday, September 4th. Remember to bring your picture packets back.

5) 7th and 8th grade volleyball, cross country and football practices start today, September 1st from 2:30 to 4:15. Jefferson will again have the Activity Bus running after school for students to use, please board the bus at 4:15 in the back of the school.

6) Happy Birthday to Gabriele Gauf, Delaney Heiderscheit, Devyn Heiderscheit, Sydnee Hubanks.

7) Any 6th, 7th or 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball this Fall, see Mr. Hatcher for more details or contact Coach Smith at