Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tuesday, September 2, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS Student Daily Announcements Tuesday, September 2, 2015 -- Day B
1) Students participating in any sport at Jefferson need a sports physical on file with the main office. Physicals are good for 13 months. If you need help getting a physical see Mr. Hatcher ASAP!
2) LEAP programs start September 14th, all registrations need to be returned to the main office by September 4th. Remember this is a first come, first serve program. Some activities, spots are limited. Your homebase teacher will have more info.
3) Boys and girls 6th grade track and field intramural's will start September 8th. Volleyball and Football for the 6th grades take place in the Spring. Students need to have a sports physical to participate.
4) Picture Day is Friday, September 4th. Remember to bring your picture packets back.
5) 7th and 8th grade volleyball, cross country and football practices start today, September 1st from 2:30 to 4:15. Jefferson will again have the Activity Bus running after school for students to use, please board the bus at 4:15 in the back of the school.
6)  Any 6th, 7th or 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball this Fall, see Mr. Hatcher for more details or contact Coach Smith at