Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015 -- Day A

Student Announcements - Tuesday, December 8, 2015 -- Day A

1) Birthdays Today - December 8th...Brandon Lewis.

2) Congratulations to the following students who were nominated by their teachers to participate in the Belin-Blank Summer Institute held in Iowa City in June 2016. 8th grade...Nick Behnke, Keshauna Bodley, Jimmy Bowen, Adeline Coenen,Jessica Droessler, Ella Esser, Carissa Elskamp, Jacob Fonck, Noah Francois, Emma Gilles, Paige Hanson, David Heinold, Shaelyn Hostager, Gryphon Metcalf, Jacqueline Mootz, Trenton Sanchez, Blake Schleter, Catherine Schueller, Max Schumacher, Avery Setter, Chelce Tract, Erin Weigman, Naomi Winkelman, and Jayme Wuertzer. 7th grade...Samantha Birkett, Seth Dalberg, Ivy Dearstone, Aidan Dunne, Hunter Fehsal, Charlie Fiegen, Caleb Heims, Trenton Heming, Vanessa Kammerude, Abby Kinney, Abby Kramer, Jillian Less, Emily Mueller, Adam Mustafa, Bevin Olson, Melanie Perez, Erika Rohner,Quiana Sabers, McKennan Saunders, Nick Standorf, Kaden Wehrenberg, Grant Wiebke, and Sophia Zebarth. Students nominated for Belin-Blank must return the parent consent form to Ms. Weber by Friday, December 11th in order to move forward in the application process.

3) LEAP program...Snow Shoeing at the Mines of Spain will be meeting with or without snow, rain or shine on Tuesday December 8th. If you signed up for this please plan on going no matter what the weather is doing.

4) Winter Band Concert tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Jefferson Auditorium.

5) Sports Today...Jefferson Wrestling Meet...Drexler vs. Jefferson vs. Washington at Washington at 4 p.m.

The LRC is helping Ms. Boxleiter and her daughter Amelia collect books for "Amelia's Books For Babies" donation to University of Iowa Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Bring new and gently used books to the LRC and place in our collection box before December 22nd.