Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday, May 28, 2015 - Day A

Student Announcements - Thursday, May 28, 2015 - Day A

1) All students enrolling in an Iowa high school as 9th graders or newly enrolled are required to have a dental screening. The Certificate of Dental Screening is available on the Dubuque Community School District website at It is one of the forms that can be downloaded as part of the online registration process. Please make your appointments early for your student’s dental screening. The certificate can be brought with you at registration at the high schools or can be sent to the school health office at any time prior to the start of school.

2) Iowa legislation requires all students entering the 7th grade to provide proof that a Tdap immunization booster was given if born on or after September 15, 2000. Tdap contains a booster dose of tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. This new requirement will help protect your child and others from whooping cough. Documentation of the Tdap vaccine on a Certificate of Immunization will need to be provided to the school nurse prior to the first day of school unless your doctor signs a Certificate of Exemption, excluding them from receiving the vaccine. If a Tdap dose was administered to your child on or after their 10th birthday, this will meet the new school requirement. During summer break, check with your doctor or Public Health to see if your child needs to receive this booster. Bring the Certificate of Immunization with you on registration day or give a copy to the school health office before classes resume. This is a state requirement and if your child does not receive the vaccine or an exemption from your doctor, he/she will be excluded from school until the vaccine has been administered.

3) If you are interested in attending a Loras Football Camp or any camp at Hempstead this summer, see Mr. Hatcher for more information.

4) Birthdays Today - May 28th...Nicholas Coulson, Rylee Lynch, Alex Martin, Joseph Vize. May 29th...Trent Lyons. May 30th...Mikayla Parker, Dashyla Sandifer. May 31st...Katelyn Vorwald.

5) Enjoy your summer break!

Last Day Photos On the last day of school during the time that each House has designated as Yearbook signing time, students will be permitted to use their cell phones to take pictures.