Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Student Announcements - Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Day B

1) Please continue to save Box Tops and Milk Caps. You can put them in the barrel outside of guidance.

2) There will be no Homework Help after school today and no Chess.

3) The final turn-in and prize day for the magazine sale is tomorrow, October 31st. You can still win the trip to Kalahari by selling a total of 10 items before the end of the sale. At 3 items you can take your turn getting a staff member soaking wet at the Flush Em Tank. Turn your orders in tomorrow. Also be sure to register at WWW.APHEARST.COM and send emails to your friends and family members so they can support your fundraiser. All internet orders count double toward your wall chart prizes.

4) Birthdays Today - October 30th...Seth Hansen, Olivia Meyer.

5) Today, October 30th, the Anti-Bullying Alliance is organizing the "Mix it up at Lunch Day" at Jefferson. "Mix it up at Lunch Day" is held at schools all over the United States on this day. Students will sit at tables according to the letter on their name tags for that day. The ABA will have some ideas for students to talk about at each table. The most important thing is for us to respect everyone- even if we don't know each other or someone is different from us.

Waste Baskets: Waste baskets have been placed in each hallway by the drinking fountains. Please dispose of wrappers, papers, etc. in these baskets. Do not throw things on the floor. Be respectful to the custodians by not adding to their work at the end of each day by throwing all waste products either in the hallway waste baskets or in classroom waste baskets and recycling tubs. Thank you for following these expectations and keeping our school looking clean and professional.