Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011, Day A

1) Today is Day A.

2) Students...Please be aware that you can not take food or drink outside the Cafeteria. Also there should not be any food or drink allowed in the classrooms or in your lockers.

3) Birthday Greetings - October 6th...Ann McClanahan, Daniel Mitchell. October 7...Jazmyne Anderson, Edelynn Hill. October 9th...Travion Bolds.

4) Reminder...Any girls interested in the Dream All-Girl Middle School Full Day Event on October 15th, should stop by the main office and pick up a brochure.

5) Sports Today...

6th Grade Boys and Girls Intramural Track Meet today at 4 p.m. at Dalzell Field.

Volleyball - Jefferson Red vs. Mazzuchelli Blue; 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Mazzuchelli, both games begin at 4 p.m.

Football Makeup Games - 7th Grade Jefferson Red vs. Western Dubuque Black at Jefferson at 4 p.m. 7th Grade Jefferson Gold vs. Western Dubuque Red at Western Dubuque at 4 p.m.

8th Grade Football vs. Roosevelt Silver at Roosevelt beginning at 4 p.m.