TJMS Student Announcements - Wednesday, October 19, 2016 -- Day B
1) Birthdays Today - October 19th...Hunter Miller. October 20th...Andrew Tharp. October 21st...Ethan Foht. October 22nd...Alea Elenz, Tyler Freiburger, Ariella Rode, Isabella Rode, Levi Schueller.
2) No activity bus today.
3) Cross-country and volleyball participants turn in your uniforms to main office ASAP!
4) Wrestling and Girls basketball start Monday, October 24th. 7th grade girls will meet in small gym, 8th grade girls will meet in north gym. Wrestlers will meet in wrestling room. Make sure you have an updated physical.
5) PE classes will be running the first PACER test of the year on Tuesday, October 26th and Wednesday October 27th. Be ready to do your best!