TJMS Student Announcements - Thursday, October 13, 2016 -- Day B
1) Birthdays Today - October 13th...Jayla Smith and Kayla Smith.
2) Our first school dance will be this Friday from 2:30-4:30 p.m. If you have had 4 or more office referrals or a suspension, you will not be able to attend the dance.
3) Homework help is in the library from 2:30-4:15 on Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday to help students with missing work or students who need some extra help. Report to the library after school and sign-in.
4) No activity bus next week October 17th-19th.
5) Sports Today - 8th Grade Football...Jefferson vs. Drexler Black at Farley Middle School begins at 4:15 p.m.
Cross-country and volleyball participants turn in your uniforms to main office ASAP!