TJMS Student Announcements - Wednesday, October 12, 2016 -- Day A
1) Birthdays Today - October 12th...No birthdays today.
2) Our first school dance will be this Friday, time is 2:30-4:30 p.m. Cost is $3.00 to get in. More information to come, hope to see you there!
3) Homework help is in the library from 2:30-4:15 on Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday this week to help students with missing work or students who need some extra help. Report to the library after school and sign-in.
4) Cross-country and volleyball participants turn in your uniform to main office ASAP!
5) No activity bus next week October 17th-19th.
6) The TRUE Hillhawks will meet today during period 3 in the Auditorium.
7) Please be sure that everyone who is going on the Boat Cruise on Thursday, has their permission slips turned into the main office.