TJMS Student Announcements - Thursday, October 6, 2016 -- Day A
1) Birthdays Today - October 6th...Kaitlyn Brenke, Robert Taylor.
2) Sports Today - Girls Gold Volleyball...Jefferson Gold vs. Washington Blue. 7th grade at Washington and 8th grade at Jefferson; both beginning at 4 p.m. 8th Grade Football...Jefferson vs. Mazzuchelli at Jefferson beginning at 4 p.m.
3) Because of all the wet weather, the rest of the football season all Drexler football games will be played at the middle school in Farley due to the high school field being in rough shape. The high school field will only be used for 9-12 grade games. As a result we will not have a concession stand and hope to have a portable scoreboard near the field. Your fans should bring their lawn chairs since there will be limited bleacher seats. We will also have portable bathrooms for the games. Finally we won’t charge admission for these last 2 weeks for football because of the change. Yes I did say no charge for football!!!!!!
4) MAP testing is now completed and the LRC is OPEN again! Please check your library books. Return if they are overdue or renew if you are not finished reading them.
5) Congrats to the XC team on a wonderful season. They ended their season yesterday with a meet in Manchester. Jackson Bradley was the top finisher for the Hillhawks. Coach Anderson is very proud of all the boys. They were all able to improve their times from the beginning of the season.