Student Announcements - Monday, January 7, 2013 Day A
1) New LEAP programs beginning second semester. Make sure you are signed up today! Two new programs to pay special attention to are Bridge Club and NASA. Bridge is where you can test your wits and learn how to be a professional Bridge player. The NASA class will teach you about rocketry and aeronautics. There may be opportunities to fly in a real plane. Make sure you have a parent sign both sides of the Leap form. If a form is needed, stop by the main office.
2) Birthdays Today - January 7th...Adam Mueller.
3) Belin-Blank essays are due to Ms. Weber by Thursday, January 10th.
4) YCF will be meeting tomorrow:
- Local issue - Mrs. Haverland's room - G-06
- National issue - Room 273 with Ms. Weber
- International issue - Ms. Thimmesch's room - U-207