Student Announcements - Monday, October 8, 2012 Day
1) Sports Today...Girls Red Volleyball - Jefferson Red vs. Drexler Black. 7th at Drexler (Farley) and 8th at Jefferson; both games begin at 4 p.m. 7th Grade Red Football...Jefferson Red vs. Roosevelt Purple at Jefferson at 4:15 p.m. 7th Grade Gold Football...Jefferson Gold vs. Drexler Red at Drexler (Western Dubuque) at 4:15 p.m.
2) Birthdays - October 6th...Sean Ball, Cody Gibson, Isaac Martin, Jacob Mauer, Ann McClanahan, Gage Mitchell. October 7th...Edelynn Hill, Alexis Wand. October 8th...Tyler Lyons.
Box Tops Remember to save your box tops. Don't forget to ask your friends and relatives to save them too. The Advisory class with the most will get a pizza party!