Student Announcements - Monday, October 1, 2012 Day B
1) 6th Grade Boys Track will meet today after school.
2) Sports Today...7th Grade Football - Jefferson Red vs. Washington White at Washington at 4:15 p.m. Jefferson Gold vs. Galena at Jefferson at 4:15 p.m.
3) Winter sports are just around the corner…. Girls basketball starts October 15th, and boys wrestling starts October 22nd. Make sure you have an updated physical turned into the main office if you want to participate.
4) Wednesday, October 3rd is “Walk to School Day.” This is a day that celebrates staying active and fit. Walking to school helps you to include regular physical activity you need into each day, to build strong bones, muscles and joints, and to decrease the risk of obesity. If you are able to walk to school, consider walking instead of getting a ride on Wednesday, October 3rd.
Box Tops Remember to save your box tops. Don't forget to ask your friends and relatives to save them too. The Advisory class with the most will get a pizza party!