Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

Student Announcements - Friday, November 18, 2011 Day A

1) Today is Day A.

2) Anyone interested in Chess Club, sign up with Mrs. Beau in the Cafeteria after school.

3) Birthdays today - November 18th...Cody Hansen, Joseph Hoyne, Noah Sprimont, Donovan Wright. November 19th...Eryn Davis, Brianna Jones. November 20th...Gabrielle Kane Langel, Margaret Kratz, Martha Kratz, Salma Lindblom, Samantha Wieland.

Orchestra There will be no orchestra class or lessons for the rest of the week, November 16-18.

Fundraiser Pickup The fundraiser orders will be delivered to school on Thursday, November 17th. Each student order will be delivered to the students homebase. Students will need to go to their homebase classes before they go home and pick up the orders to be delivered. If students are not able to take the orders home on Thursday they will need to take them home by Friday. Students may also have parents come and pick up the orders on Thursday afternoon or after 10:00 am on Friday.