Student Announcements - Wednesday, November 2, 2011, Day A
1) Today is Day A.
2) Anyone interested in ordering a Jefferson sweatshirt or sweatpants please stop by the main office and sign up; we would like to have the order submitted by Monday, November 7th.
3) Homework Help will be in the library from 2:30 to 3:30 daily. This is a change from 3:45, if you have questions see Ms. Cairns or Mr. Hatcher.
4) Happy Birthday - November 2nd...Hannah Mains.
5) Jefferson Open Gym Nights Open Gym nights will be held at Jefferson on Monday evenings from 7:00-9:00pm starting November 7th. You must be registered to attend through the LEAP program. Only Jefferson students are allowed to participate in this program. Students that are registered to attend will also need to have their Jefferson student photo ID with them when they arrive or they will not be allowed to participate.