Friday, October 14, 2011, Day B
1) Today is Day B.
2) 7th and 8th grade Wrestling practice begins on Monday, October 17th. You must have a current physical on file in the office to participate. Interested students should sign up during their lunch.
3) Birthdays today - October 14th...Devon Goodman, Bailey Hansen, Jordyn Heiderscheit, Ryland Tigges. October 15th...Elizabeth Griesinger. October 16th...Cathleen Edahl, Kory Fettkether, Koehler Miller, Joshua Weiner.
4) The first Jefferson dance is today from 2:30-4:30. The cost to attend is $3. We will have a DJ in the South gym and open gym in the North gym. Snacks such as chips, cookies, and pizza will be available for purchase. Students with multiple office referrals or suspensions will not be able to attend.
5) Reminder...Any volleyball player who has not turned in their shirt and shorts, please turn them into the main office as soon as possible to avoid charges.
6) Mrs. VanSteenburg will be out of the building today.