Friday, October 21, 2011, Day A
1) Today is Day A.
2) If volleyball players have not turned in their shirts and/or shorts by the end of today, they will be charged.
3) Birthdays today - October 21st...Kailey Hansen, Cody Scheffert, Mackenzie Stewart, Alissa Ties, Jesse Zeromski.
4) Student Expectations...Coats and hats need to be kept in your lockers, you are not allowed to wear coats and hats during the school day.
5) The first turn in for the magazine drive is Wednesday, October 26th. Internet orders are a quick and easy way to ask your relatives and friends that are out of town to help support your school by buying a magazine or home delivered product. Log onto and register as a student (password is JeffersonMS) You can send out as many emails as you want. If you send out 7 emails before the first turn in you will win a cool pair of light up sunglasses.