TJMS Student Announcements - Wednesday, April 19, 2017 -- Day A
1) Birthdays Today - April 19th...No birthdays.
2) Each Tuesday and Thursday in April, students and their families will have a chance to learn more about Dubuque’s high-demand job sectors. It’s an opportunity for students to see a business first-hand in a student-friendly, interactive environment – and hear from industry leaders about the skills and education needed to be successful in that field. All at NO COST to attendees (and participants even get a FREE t-shirt). Stop by the office for more information.
3) LEAP today...Homework Help is in the Library; Leisure Services Golf is on the field; Shakespeare is in the Auditorium.
4) Congratulations to our Genius Hour participants who will be sharing their projects at the Forum this afternoon. Genius Hour students need to meet by the guidance offices at noon today.