TJMS Student Announcements - Monday, April 24, 2017 -- Day B
1) Birthdays Today - April 24th...Owen Smith.
2) Sports Today - Girls Track and Field...Jefferson hosts Washington and Roosevelt at Hempstead at 4:30 p.m.
3) LEAP this week...Monday - Hillcrest Teen Program at HillCrest, Real World in the Auditorium. Tuesday - Raise the Bar in the upper field weather permitting, Shakespeare is in the Auditorium, Origami is in room 02. Wednesday - I-STEP, Leisure Services Golf in the upper field. Thursday - Raise the Bar in the upper field.
4) Anytime, Anywhere Learning (AAL)is for Jefferson 8th Graders and their parents. The district will be unveiling the Anytime, Anywhere Learning (AAL) curriculum initiative this fall for the incoming 9th grade classes at both Hempstead and Senior. This is an informational parent meeting about AAL. This meeting will serve as a great opportunity for high schools and district officials to share information. It will also provide an opportunity for parents and students to ask questions and give feedback. This will take place at Jefferson Middle School Auditorium on May 1, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
5) To the 6th and 7th grade Battle of the Books Teams...Please schedule a time with Mrs. Duclos for a practice session as soon as possible!!!