Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 -- Day B

TJMS Student Announcements - Tuesday, March 7, 2017 -- Day B

1) Birthdays Today - March 7th...No birthdays today.

2) Loras College is offering a 2017 Spring Break Clinic for Volleyball. Sessions are on March 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th from 2:30 to 4 p.m. The cost is $25 per session or $85 for all four sessions. Stop by the main office for more information and a registration form.

3) This week is National School Breakfast Week. To celebrate the food and nutrition services we will be doing a drawing for a student to win a portable speaker. During this week when you eat a complete breakfast you can enter your name into the drawing. You can enter all 5 days if you eat breakfast each day. On March 10th the food service manager will draw a student's name.

4) The Jefferson spirit apparel store is now open till March 13th. Use this URL https://jeffspirit.itemorder.com to make orders.

5) The LRC will be closed today, March 7th for NAEP testing.

6) LEAP...Due to low attendance we had to cancel Leisure Services pool trip that was scheduled on Wednesday. There will be no Girl Scouts Bling this week on Thursday. Homework Help is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the LRC. Musical Set and Crew is today in the Auditorium. Polar Bear Club is today in the Cafeteria. Wednesday is Leisure Services Hip Hop in the Auditorium and Kerry's Painting Class in the Art Room. The Winter Incentive trip to the River Museum is on Friday, please return your permission slips to the main office.

7) Student vs. Staff Volleyball for 6th grade is on Tuesday, March 28th; 7th grade is on Wednesday, March 29th; and 8th grade is on Thursday, March 30th. You can play against your teachers with 20 Hills Bills, or watch it for 15 Hills Bills. Jefferson's Musical will take place on April 6th and it will cost 10 Hills Bills to watch the performances. Start saving your Hills Bills now!

8) Attention 7th and 8th grade boys and girls 2017 track and field season will start March 20th, the first day back after Spring Break, weather permitting. Participants will meet on the lower field, dress appropriately for weather. Make sure your physical is up to date.

9) The last school dance will be March 24th. This is the big one, the Loras Dance Marathon students will be here running the dance. 4 or more office referrals from last dance and you cannot attend.