TJMS Student Announcements - Monday, March 20, 2017 -- Day B
1) Birthdays Today - March 20th...Jacob Hollister, Katelyn Nebel, Tysen Schaber.
2) Student vs. Staff Volleyball for 6th grade is on Tuesday, March 28th; 7th grade is on Wednesday, March 29th; and 8th grade is on Thursday, March 30th. You can play against your teachers with 20 Hills Bills, or watch it for 15 Hills Bills. Jefferson's Musical will take place on April 6th and it will cost 10 Hills Bills to watch the performances. Start saving your Hills Bills now!
3) Attention 7th and 8th grade boys and girls 2017 track and field season will start tomorrow, March 21st, weather permitting. Participants will meet on the lower field, dress appropriately for weather. Make sure your physical is up to date.
4) The last school dance will be this Friday, March 24th. This is the big one, the Loras Dance Marathon students will be here running the dance. 4 or more office referrals from last dance and you cannot attend.
5) Hip Hop Dance has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 28th in the cafeteria. Sign up today or show up on the Tuesday after school. This has been a very popular LEAP program thus far, be ready to work, you will learn lots of new moves from professional dancers!