Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday, October 12, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS - Student Announcements - Monday, October 12, 2015 -- Day B

1) Birthdays Today - October 9th...Kobe Meyer. October 11th...Amilleon Brand, Erica Brimeyer, Michaela Ward. October 12th...Joseph Rettenberger.

2) Sports Today - 8th Grade Football...Jefferson vs. Drexler Black at Western Dubuque beginning at 4:15 p.m.

3) Sports Today - Girls Red Volleyball...Jefferson Red vs. Roosevelt Silver. 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Roosevelt; both games beginning at 4 p.m.

4) The new dates for the LEAP Safe Sitter program are Thursday, November 5th, 12th, and 19th. This is the class that the YMCA will get you certified in babysitting through the Red Cross. Attendance at all three classes is mandatory to get certified.

5) Any girls interested in attending a hitting and skills softball camp sponsored by the Clarke University, see Mr. Hatcher for more details.

6) Students can pre-order the newly released "Diary of a Wimpy Kid Old School" book. For details see one of the Librarians in the LRC.

7) Students going on the Fundraiser River Cruise, please bring your signed permission slip to the main office. This must be turned in before Friday.