TJMS - Student Announcements - Friday, October 2, 2015 -- Day A
1) Birthdays Today - October 2nd...Dwain Enoch, Madeline Vohl. October 3rd..Caleb Stock. October 4th...Myles Conley, Mikayla Teasdale, Brandon Thornton.
2) DARE TO DREAM...Any girl in grades 6-8 are invited to attend. The day of this activity is Saturday, October 24th at NICC Town Clock. For more information please stop by the main office.
3) Sports Today - Girls Red Volleyball...Jefferson Red vs. Roosevelt Black. 7th grade at Roosevelt and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games begin at 4 p.m.
4) Both boys and girls 6th grade track participants will practice this coming Monday, October 5th.
5) Just a reminder if parents are attending a sporting event at Western Dubuque Schools, they do charge admission. $3 for adults, $1 for kids.
6) LEAP Animal Allies with the Dubuque Humane Society is cancelled for Tuesday, October 6th.
7) If any staff or students have any fundraiser cards or money please turn it into the main office as soon as possible.