TJMS - Student Announcements - Wednesday, September 16, 2015 -- Day A
1) The Jefferson Activity Bus will add a new stop to our route. We will now stop at Tanzanite and Mount Alpine at approximately 4:43 p.m.
2) 6th grade girls track and field intra-murals will meet today from 2:30-4:15 p.m.
3) Birthdays Today - September 16, 2015...Logan Scherf, Derek Velstra.
4) The last day of Fundraiser Sales is Monday, September 21st.
5) Parents of 7th Grade Students...If your student has not gotten their Tdap booster shot, this will need to be done as soon as possible. This is a requirement of the state. Please call your physician or the VNA to get the immunization and request they send a copy of the record to the school nurse. The VNA will be at Kids Expo on October 10th, please call them at 556-6200 to make an appointment.