Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS - Student Announcements - Friday, September 18, 2015 -- Day A

1) The Jefferson Activity Bus will add a new stop to our route. We will now stop at Tanzanite and Mount Alpine at approximately 4:43 p.m.

2) Birthdays Today - September 18th...Caleb Heims, Jacqueline Mootz, Kaitlyn Nauman, Ian Ninneman. September 19th...Geenaly Carmona, Ivy Dearstone, Jared Sabers.

3) The last day of Fundraiser Sales is Monday, September 21st.

4) Parents of 7th Grade Students...If your student has not gotten their Tdap booster shot, this will need to be done as soon as possible. This is a requirement of the state. Please call your physician or the VNA to get the immunization and request they send a copy of the record to the school nurse. The VNA will be at Kids Expo on October 10th, please call them at 556-6200 to make an appointment.

5) We are happy to announce that Drama 101 will again be part of LEAP programs. Students can sign up with Mrs. Beau after school in café. Classes will be Tuesday/Thursday, beginning September 22nd. Class will run from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. Drama 101 is a great introduction to the work and experiences of our school musical.

6) Sports Today - Girls Red Volleyball...Jefferson Red vs. Roosevelt Purple. 7th grade at Roosevelt and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games begin at 4 p.m.

7) Sports Today - Girls and Boys Cross Country...Cross Country Meet at Fillmore Gold Course beginning at 4:30 p.m.

8) Students who checked out books at the beginning of this year are now overdue. If you haven't already, please return the book to the LRC as soon as you can. Be aware that MAP testing may be going on. Quiet is appreciated. Thank you from the Library staff.

9) This Friday night at Dalzell Field all 8th grade football players can get into the game for free if you wear your Jefferson Jersey. You will walk the track between the sophomore and varsity games across the grandstand and get recognized. See you there HillHawks! Join the HillHawk Athletics twitter page at @GoHillHawks. Just a reminder HillHawks who are attending varsity football games at Dalzell you need to be your BEST, and follow these rules. •Sit in the Middle School student section, unless you are sitting with your parents; •No hanging out behind the bleachers by concession stands or restrooms; •No backpacks; •No horseplay, or hands-on activities; •No throwing of food/drink; •Must stay on home side of bleachers; •Stay out of team room area; •No students allowed in press box area or on elevator; •Listen to authority or you will be asked to leave game, and you may not be permitted back until next season; •Questions see Mr. Hatcher.

10) TJMS Live! is now accepting applications from students who are interested in being a part of the production crew! We need 7th or 8th grade students for both onscreen and behind the scenes jobs such as video editing and running the cameras. Please stop by Mrs. Schmitz, the guidance secretary's, office and pick up your application. They must be signed by you and a parent and turned in by Wednesday, September 23rd to be considered for a position on the crew! Please see Mrs. Hancock if you have any questions.

11) HIlllHawks are reminded to be the BEST at taking the MAP tests this Fall, be on your Best Behavior so it’s quiet during test, give your Best Effort, have your Best Attitude, and have your Best Self-Discipline to concentrate and focus. Good Luck HillHawks!