1) Jefferson Wellness classes are participating in Live Healthy Iowa Kids again this year. The ten week challenge begins today! Students are to be recording their fruit servings and activity minutes for the first two weeks on their blue calendars. These are due February 11th to Mrs. Lucas and Mr. Wischmeyer. Any questions, please ask the Wellness teachers.
2) The first rehearsal for the musical, Fiddler on the Roof, is Wednesday, January 29th. Rehearsal will be from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. All cast members are required to attend.
3) Birthdays Today - January 27th...Ethan Healey.
4) Activity bus is available for any students to use after school. It comes to Jefferson at 4:15 p.m. Remember any behavior problems on the Activity Bus, you will be banned for the rest of the year. No second chances.
5) Hillhawks please remember if you are attending an afterschool event, you cannot wait unattended or unsupervised for the event to start. Most events start at 4pm, so you must leave and return. Sign up for LEAP activity may be an option, Creative Arts, Lego League, Homework Help, and Chess meet every week and have no limits on attendance, you just have to register for LEAP activities. If you are waiting, you will be asked to leave building, no hanging out in gym or hallways waiting for an event to start.
6) The Sectional Spelling Bee has been rescheduled to Tuesday, February 4th, starting at 6 PM at Clarke University. Jefferson has 5 representatives: Carly Dalberg, Brianna Heffner, Rowyn Olson, Max Schumacher, and Emma Wiebke. Good luck spellers!