Thursday, October 3, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Student Announcements

1) A 4-H Find Out Night will be held on Thursday, October 10th from 6-8 p.m. at Kennedy Mall. Join us for experiments, arts and crafts, and all the other things 4-H has to offer.

2) Any 8th grade football player interested in being a manager during a home or away football game where you will be on the field and in the mix with the varsity or sophomore players see Mr. Hatcher for more details.

3) Come to the Hempstead-Senior volleyball match on October 8th at 7:00 p.m. It is the Pink Match and Nikki Hilby, a Roosevelt teacher, is speaking about her fight with breast cancer.

4) Pink shirts are for sale in the main office. All are encouraged to wear them to the Hempstead-Senior football game on Friday, October 11th. The cost is $10; stop by the main office with $10 and order one.

5) Birthdays Today - October 4th...Myles Carroll, Dalton Kramer, Amanda Ott, Mikayla Teasdale. October 5th...Kayla LaPage, Bailey Smith. October 6th...Sean Ball, Cody Gibson, Jacob Mauer, Gage Mitchell.