Student Announcements - Thursday, May 30, 2013 Day B
1) Birthdays Today - May 30th...Nathan Feldman, Jade O'Rourke.
2) 8th grade boys planning on playing football at Hempstead next year turn your player profiles you received from the meeting last Monday into Mr. Hatcher ASAP.
3) We have not received many boxtops or Swiss Valley milk caps since the beginning of the year, if you have any at home please turn them in before the end of the year. Please make sure you save them this summer they really help get materials for the school.
4) Mr. Hatcher has summer camp information for any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student interested in boys basketball, girls basketball, volleyball, and swimming. Stop by his office to pick up information.
5) It has come to be that time of year again…”End of the year locker clean out!” Students should plan to take everything home and return all school books they have checked out. Monday, June 3...11:00-11:25 -- 7th Grade and 11:30-12:00 -- 6th Grade. Tuesday, June 4...11:00-11:30 -- 8th Grade. For those students who don’t remember their combinations, Mrs. White and I will be circulating through the hallways. Garbage cans will be placed strategically throughout the building. Please help monitor that only appropriate materials go into recycling containers.
Fundraiser Any student that still has not turned in money or unsold discount cards must do so as soon as possible. If you have not turned in the money or unsold cards by May 31st this charge will be billed to your parents. The raffle for prices will be held next week. You can still get chances for the raffle if you submit money by Tuesday, May 28th.