Wednesday, December 21, 2011 Day A
1) Today is a Day A.
2) If you ordered any black sweatshirts, black sweatpants, long or short sleeve t-shirts, please stop by the main office, pay and take your merchandise.
3) Please remember to save Box Tops, Swiss Valley Milk lids and Campbell soup labels while baking over the holidays.
4) Thank you to the students who auditioned for the talent show. We had 57 try outs. Unfortunately, not all the acts can be in the show. The list of those acts that were selected by the judges are on the door in the guidance area.
5) No Orchestra class or lessons today.
6) Birthdays today - December 21st...Hunter Duster, Brianna Eckstein, Ron Joe. December 23rd...Jordan Schueller. December 25th...Takius Smith. December 26th...Hali Fuller, Caitlyn Hansen. December 27th...Colton Puccio. December 28th...Donald Hodges, Noah Kuhn, Taniya Land. December 30th...Evan Wieser. December 31st...Raleigh Hardwick, Emily Schleter. January 1st...Janesha Harris, Stephen Petsche. January 2nd...Taylor Butler.
7) Everyone have a safe and happy holiday break.
8) Winners from the Character Tickets are: (6-1 Nick Wobema, Dylan Pauley); (6-2...Jade O'Rourke, Val Steffens); (7-1...Jordyn Heiderscheit, Marshon Crowder); (7-2...Austin Leick, Makaila Gardner); (8-1...Gabbi Manders, Alex Keck); (8-2...Spencher Sahm, Kelsey Ben); (Staff...Mrs. Podolsky, Mrs. Henry, Mr. Kramer, Mrs. Baumann, Mrs. Thimmesch, Mrs. Welsh, Mrs. White, Ms. Weber, Mrs. Milum, Mrs. Beutin). All of these are the winner of free wings from Buffalo Wild Wings, stop by the main office and pick up your coupon. Mrs. McCullough was the winner of the parking spot.
9) Also congratulations to House 7-2, they were the winner of the t-shirt contest. T-shirts will be available when we get back from the holiday break.