1) Birthdays Today - April 3rd...Alyvia Duve.
2) There are several students, both boys and girls, who need to turn in their sport uniforms. Please do so as soon as possible.
3) Cell phone expectations: Cell phones are only allowed during lunch and in the hallway prior to the 7:35 AM bell. During the remaining times, cell phones should not be used without permission of the teacher.
4) IDs & Lanyards: It is a district-wide expectation that all students in grades 6-12 have and wear a lanyard and ID. This is for our students safety and security. Students who do not have their ID/lanyard will need to get a temporary ID sticker for the day. After 4 stickers have been requested by the student, a lunch detention will be served for not being responsible. Each additional day without a ID/lanyard will result in a lunch detention. If a student has chronic issues with not having an ID/lanyard, a parent meeting will be scheduled and after school detention assigned. Replacement IDs and lanyards are available for purchase for $3 or 20 Hills Bills.