TJMS Student Announcements - Tuesday, February 13, 2018 -- Day B
1) Birthdays Today - February 13th...No birthdays today.
2) Dubuque Senior Color Guard Spring Show Day Camp 2018 is February 17th. The cost is $30. Stop by the main office for more information.
3) Sports Today - Boys Gold Basketball...Jefferson Gold vs. Drexler Red. 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Drexler; both games begin at 4 p.m.
4) Attention musical cast and crew! Musical T-shirt’s are on sale now. Your order form and money are due to the main office by February 14th at 2:30. No orders will be accepted after the 14th.
5) There is no LEAP activities, including homework help, after school this week.
Important Reminder...
Keystone AEA will be at Jefferson to do retest hearing screenings on Wednesday, March 14th. Parents will be contacted by Keystone staff if there is a problem with their child's hearing after the testing on March 14th.