TJMS Student Announcements - Wednesday, May 3, 2017 -- Day A
1) Birthdays Today - May 3rd...Nikolas Kieler, Kylee Splinter, Ryan Willis.
2) LEAP's Dubuque Humane Society FIELD TRIP is being offered to the first 20 who sign up and they have to have a release form signed by a guardian. The Field Trip is on tomorrow, May 4th. LEAP this week...Wednesday - Leisure Services Golf and Shakespeare. Thursday - Raise the Bar and Humane Helpers - VISIT THE HUMANE SOCIETY.
3) Friends of Homacho, a small, local non-profit dedicated to providing resources for the village of Homacho, Ethiopia, is hosting its 3rd Annual H20 for FoH Water Walk Relay. The event will take place on May 6, 2017, at Murphy Park in Dubuque, Iowa. The relay starts at 9 and will be completed before 10:30 a.m. You can sign up as a team or as an individual. Participants will carry two buckets of water around the paved road at Murphy Park before relaying them to another person if you are part of a team. Each individual will be asked to make three laps around the park to simulate women and girls in Homacho carrying water 1.5 miles almost daily. The registration fee is $20. That includes a t-shirt. Bananas and bagels will be provided. You are encouraged to bring your own water bottle to fill there. Proceeds will go to benefit the work of FoH.
4) All incoming 7th grade students are required to receive one dose of Tdap and also new for the 2017-2018 school year, all 7th grade students are required a one-time dose of meningococcal (A, C, W, Y) vaccine. Please turn in an updated immunization card by the first day of school. There will be no grace/extension period for the implementation of this requirement. The Dubuque County VNA will be hosting their Super Shot Saturday on May 20th. Call the VNA at 563-556-6200 to schedule an appointment
5)6th grade girls volleyball starts Monday, May 8th. You must have a physical on file to participate. Wear gym clothes and come to the north gym on Monday from 2:30-4:00pm. Sign-ups will be in cafeteria.