Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday, January 23, 2017 -- Day B

TJMS Student Announcements - Monday, January 23, 2017 -- Day B

1) Birthdays Today - January 23rd...Aaron Farley, Billy Jormeia.

2) Hempstead and Senior High Schools will have open houses tonight at 7:00 p.m. Eighth graders and their families are encouraged to attend. This is a chance to see your high school, take a tour, and learn about classes and activities available to you in the 9th grade.

3) Sports Today - 8th Grade Red Boys Basketball...Jefferson Red vs. Roosevelt Black. 7th grade at Roosevelt and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games begin at 4 p.m.

4) Any 7th and 8th grade student interested in participating the Mustang Strength and Conditioning program you are welcome to attend Tuesday, January 24th and Thursday, January 26th. Just show up at the weight room from 6 - 7 p.m. See your gym teacher or Mr. Hatcher for more information.

5) LEAP activities this week...Beaded Bookmark Making on Tuesday in the art room. Cooking Class on Wednesday in the art room. Creative Film Making in room 73 on Thursday. Homework Help is on Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday in the library.