TJMS Student Announcements - Tuesday, November 29, 2016 -- Day B
1) Birthdays Today - November 29th...Franklin Cretsinger, Skylar Koster.
2) Earn your page in Hill Hawk History, you can design the 2016 HillHawk t-shirt for the year. Ask your homebase teacher for more details. All designs are due to Mr. Hatcher by December 2nd. Once the winner has been determined, the t-shirts will be available for purchase for students and staff.
3) Attention top spellers! Sign up for the Jefferson Spelling Bee is located in the main office or by emailing Ms. Weber at The top 5 spellers will represent Jefferson at Clarke University in January. The school-wide spelling bee will be held on Tuesday, December 13th during Pd 3 in the the LRC.
4) Sports Today - Girls Basketball...Jefferson vs. Drexler Red. 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Drexler; both games begin at 4 p.m. Sports Today - Jefferson Wrestling...Wrestling meet, Jefferson vs. Roosevelt vs. Washington at Roosevelt at 4 p.m.