TJMS Student Announcements - Thursday, April 7, 2016 -- Day B
1) Birthdays Today - April 7th...Samantha Brimeyer, Melonie Snyder.
2) Our school is in a contest for a grant for money to get a greenhouse and more hydroponics, but it requires a vote. You can vote once a day between now and April 18. Please vote, vote often, and share! Thanks!!!
3) 9th Annual Dubuque Senior High School Rams Cheerleading Day Camp is Saturday, April 30th from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stop by the Main Office to pick up a registration form; April 19th is the last day for registration.
4) Celebrate National Library Week! Students are encouraged to design and color a book mark, or poster of your favorite book! Write a book review to be placed in our school online Destiny catalog, or make a book trailer. Turn all projects in during the month of April to the Jefferson Library to celebrate National Library Week. All entries will receive a prize!
5) A message from the Carnegie-Stout Public Library...To celebrate National Library Week at the Public Library, students can come to the Jefferson Library to receive a coupon for a FREE book! Students need to bring the coupon to the Teen Zone at the Public Library to get the Free Book on Monday April 11th from 4:30-6:30 pm! Limited coupons available! Thank you! Mrs. Duclos
6) Congratulations to TJ Schlarman and Angelina Shappell for winning the Math Olympiads contest in house 6-2. They tied for 1st place at the end of 5 competitions and will receive a trophy at the awards ceremony. We would also like to congratulate Carter Manders and Tyler Freiburger who tied for 2nd place. Way to go and keep up the great work mathematicians!!!
7) On Wednesday, April 27th there is a player and parent meeting for any girl interested in playing softball this summer for Senior. The meeting will be at Senior in the cafeteria at 7:00 p.m. and should last about 1 hour. Tryouts for Senior softball for 8th graders will take place beginning Monday, May 9th from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.