TJMS Student Announcements - Tuesday, March 8, 2016 -- Day A
1) Any boys basketball player that has not turned in their shooting shirt or any part of their uniform must get that into the main office as soon as possible.
2) 6th grade basketball intramurals start tomorrow, March 8th, from 2:30-4:00, boys in big gym, girls in south gym. Must have physical on file to participate, wear gym clothes to practice.
3) Congratulations to the following students who were selected to attend the Belin-Blank Summer Institute in Iowa City in June: Ella Esser, House 8-2, Creative Writing; Shaelyn Hostager, House 8-1, Performing Arts; Abby Kramer, House 7-2, Global & Cultural Studies; and Jackie Mootz, House 8-1, Visual Arts. Two Jefferson students were selected as alternates. Congratulations to our alternates: Jacob Fonck, House 8-1, Advanced Science; and Kaden Wehrenberg, House 7-2, Math Problem Solving.
4) Congratulations to Max Schumacher, House 8-2. He represented Jefferson at the Regional Spelling Bee on Saturday, March 5th. He was the 6th speller standing and did an awesome job.
5) Congratulations the following students for their performance and positive representation of Jefferson Middle School at the Kennedy Honors Orchestra this past weekend.
House 7-2: Ella Kane, Randi Pinto, McKennan Saunders, & Haley Smith
House 8-1: Ella Peil & Jared Sabers
House 8-2: Adeline Coenen