Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday, February 19, 2016 -- Day A

TJMS Student Announcements - Friday, February 19, 2016 -- Day A

1) Birthdays Today - February 19th...Melanie Perez. February 20th...Hunter Catron, Dominic Fiegen. February 21st...Gregory Kautman, Catherine Schueller.

2) Due to Washington's conference schedule, the Boys Red Basketball Teams cannot play on Monday, February 29th. This game has been switched to Wednesday, February 24th.

3) Girls Dance Team will participate in the Spring Fling at Senior High School on Sunday, February 21st.

4) Do you have any box tops at home that you would like to bring in to school? We will need them turned in by this Wednesday, February 24th, so that we can include them in our spring mailing. We will use the money from the box tops for new books and items for our Jefferson Library. Thank you from the Library Staff.

5) Snowshoeing at the Mines of Spain will be held Monday after school, February 22nd. If you like TV shows like Man vs. Wild you will enjoy the new LEAP program, Old School Survivor Skills. It’s Tuesday, February 23rd at the Mississippi River museum…check the LEAP sign-up board to see if there are spots left.

6) Any students attending homework help please make sure you have completed LEAP registration.

7) Bring your HILLS BILLS to the lunch room today. During lunch we will have a raffle for lots of prizes.

Thomas Jefferson Middle School's Spring Conferences are two weeks away. Please go online to register for your child's spring conference. If the time you want is unavailable, please call school at 552-4709 and Mrs. Schmitz will schedule it for you. Here is the link to online schedule.