TJMS Student Announcements - Thursday, January 28, 2016 -- Day A
1) Birthdays Today - January 28th...Jacob Fonck, Matthew Fonck, Daeauna Fountain, Anna Klein, Ronesha McClellan.
2) Battle of The Books Team Signups...Students who are interested in being on a team for Battle of The Books may start forming your teams. You may have 3-5 people on your team. Stop in the LRC for the team sign up sheets.
3) Girls Dance Team will perform tonight at the boys basketball game.
4) Sports Today - Jefferson Gold Basketball...Jefferson Gold vs. Washington Blue. 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Washington; both games begin at 4 p.m.
5) The Dubuque Leisure Services Department is hosting a Snow Shoeing program. Swiss Valley will be providing snow shoes and allowing anyone to come and try it out. It's a non-school day, so we are hoping to get the kids out of the house and utilize the parks! Come to Comiskey Park, February 5th, from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. See you there!