Thursday, December 3, 2015

Student Tardy Policy Update:

  • Student Tardy Policy Update:
    School success goes hand-in-hand with good attendance!
    Being to school on time every day is important. However, we know some mornings can be rather hectic and that is why we allow students to be tardy three (3) times in a trimester without any consequences.
    Beginning with the fourth (4th) tardy, students will receive the following consequence.
    When students arrive…
    > after 7:45am but before 8:30am they will have a 15 minute after school detention.
    > after 8:30am but before 9:00am they will have a 30 minute after school detention.
    > after 9:00am but before 9:30am they will have a 45 minute after school detention.
    Students that arrive after 9:30am, will be considered truant and marked as an “Unexcused Absence.” Ongoing truancy issues may lead to additional involvement with the district’s Truancy Officer.
    Note: Students will receive another three (3) excused tardy passes at the beginning of each trimester.
    Please call school if you know your child will be late or absent. 552-4702
    The after school time is not necessarily a consequence, rather a time for your child to get caught up on what they missed.
    Thank you for your assistance.