Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tuesday, December 22, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS Student Announcements - Tuesday, December 22, 2015 -- Day A

1) Keystone AEA will be at Jefferson on January 6th and 11th to do hearing screens on all 7th grade students. If there is a problem with your student's hearing you will be notified. If you have any questions please contact the school nurse at 563-552-4712.

2) Birthdays Today - December 22nd...Courtney Schumacher. December 24th...Mariah Zozaya. December 25th...Tyler Scherf. December 26...Ryan Carroll, Randal Hardwick. December 27th...Janyla Hoskins, Carson Meisenburg, David Nabu, Josie Stedman. December 28th...Chase Bauer, Jamari Smith. December 31st...Andy Gallegos, Carter Manders. January 1st...Giovanni Barner. January 3rd...Donald Paar.

3) A reminder that boys basketball for 7th and 8th graders starts January 4th, you must have a sport physical on file to participate.

4) No LEAP programs today.

5) No activity bus today.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday, December 21, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS Student Announcements - Monday, December 21, 2015 -- Day B

1) The LRC is helping Ms. Boxleiter and her daughter Amelia collect books for "Amelia's Books For Babies" donation to University of Iowa Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Bring new and gently used books to the LRC and place in our collection box before December 22nd.

2) It’s that time of year again, Holiday Grams are on sale through today. Holiday Grams are $.25 and a great way to send someone a seasonal greeting or just a special note. Don’t forget, every gram comes with a special treat! Grams are on sale at the school store before school from 7:30-7:45 a.m. and after school from 2:30-2:45 p.m.

3) Keystone AEA will be at Jefferson on January 6th and 11th to do hearing screens on all 7th grade students. If there is a problem with your student's hearing you will be notified. If you have any questions please contact the school nurse at 563-552-4712.

4) Birthdays Today - December 21st...Amarion Robinson.

5) A reminder that boys basketball for 7th and 8th graders starts January 4th, you must have a sport physical on file to participate.

6) No LEAP programs today or tomorrow.

7) No activity bus today or tomorrow.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday, December 18, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS Student Announcements - Friday, December 18, 2015 -- Day A

1) The LRC is helping Ms. Boxleiter and her daughter Amelia collect books for "Amelia's Books For Babies" donation to University of Iowa Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Bring new and gently used books to the LRC and place in our collection box before December 22nd.

2) It’s that time of year again, Holiday Grams are on sale starting now through December 21st. Holiday Grams are $.25 and a great way to send someone a seasonal greeting or just a special note. Don’t forget, every gram comes with a special treat! Grams are on sale at the school store before school from 7:30-7:45 a.m. and after school from 2:30-2:45 p.m.

3) Keystone AEA will be at Jefferson on January 6th and 11th to do hearing screens on all 7th grade students. If there is a problem with your student's hearing you will be notified. If you have any questions please contact the school nurse at 563-552-4712.

4) Please return LEAP registration forms to the main office ASAP, LEAP is a first come, first serve program. All registration are due today.

5) Our first dance is today. The cost is $3.00 to attend. If you have had more than 4 office referrals or a suspension, you cannot attend. Check with homebase teacher for more information on dance activities!

6) A reminder that boys basketball for 7th and 8th graders starts January 4th, you must have a sport physical on file to participate.

7) Make sure all girls basketball uniforms are turned in ASAP.

8) Birthdays Today - December 18th...Kirstin Davis, Eric Gomez, Emily Hayes. December 19th...Keiyon Norman. December 20th...Madison Keck, Logan OMara, Conner Schmidt.

9) No LEAP programs Monday, December 21st or Tuesday, December 22nd.

10) No activity bus on Friday, Monday, or Tuesday (December 18th, 21st and 22nd).

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday, December 17, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS Student Announcements - Thursday, December 17, 2015 -- Day B

1) The LRC is helping Ms. Boxleiter and her daughter Amelia collect books for "Amelia's Books For Babies" donation to University of Iowa Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Bring new and gently used books to the LRC and place in our collection box before December 22nd.

2) It’s that time of year again, Holiday Grams are on sale starting now through December 21st. Holiday Grams are $.25 and a great way to send someone a seasonal greeting or just a special note. Don’t forget, every gram comes with a special treat! Grams are on sale at the school store before school from 7:30-7:45 a.m. and after school from 2:30-2:45 p.m.

3) Keystone AEA will be at Jefferson on January 6th and 11th to do hearing screens on all 7th grade students. If there is a problem with your student's hearing you will be notified. If you have any questions please contact the school nurse at 563-552-4712.

4) Please return LEAP registration forms to the main office ASAP, LEAP is a first come, first serve program. All registration are due Friday, December 18th.

5) Our first dance is this Friday, December 18th. The cost is $3.00 to attend. If you have had more than 4 office referrals or a suspension, you cannot attend. Check with homebase teacher for more information on dance activities!

6) A reminder that boys basketball for 7th and 8th graders starts January 4th, you must have a sport physical on file to participate.

7) Make sure all girls basketball uniforms are turned in ASAP.

8) Birthdays Today - December 17th...Jayna Kennedy, Kaine Oberbroeckling.

9) No LEAP programs Monday, December 21st or Tuesday,December 22nd.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS Student Announcements - Wednesday, December 16, 2015 -- Day A

1) The LRC is helping Ms. Boxleiter and her daughter Amelia collect books for "Amelia's Books For Babies" donation to University of Iowa Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Bring new and gently used books to the LRC and place in our collection box before December 22nd.

2) It’s that time of year again, Holiday Grams are on sale starting now through December 21st. Holiday Grams are $.25 and a great way to send someone a seasonal greeting or just a special note. Don’t forget, every gram comes with a special treat! Grams are on sale at the school store before school from 7:30-7:45 a.m. and after school from 2:30-2:45 p.m.

3) Keystone AEA will be at Jefferson on January 6th and 11th to do hearing screens on all 7th grade students. If there is a problem with your student's hearing you will be notified. If you have any questions please contact the school nurse at 563-552-4712.

4) Please return LEAP registration forms to the main office ASAP, LEAP is a first come, first serve program. All registration are due Friday, December 18th.

5) Our first dance is this Friday, December 18th. The cost is $3.00 to attend. If you have had more than 4 office referrals or a suspension, you cannot attend. Check with homebase teacher for more information on dance activities!

6) A reminder that boys basketball for 7th and 8th graders starts January 4th, you must have a sport physical on file to participate.

7) Make sure all girls basketball uniforms are turned in ASAP.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS Student Announcements - Tuesday, December 15, 2015 -- Day B

1) Birthdays Today - December 15th...Emma Dietz, Kelsey Dunbar, Orion Rusch.

2) The LRC is helping Ms. Boxleiter and her daughter Amelia collect books for "Amelia's Books For Babies" donation to University of Iowa Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Bring new and gently used books to the LRC and place in our collection box before December 22nd.

3) It’s that time of year again, Holiday Grams are on sale starting now through December 21st. Holiday Grams are $.25 and a great way to send someone a seasonal greeting or just a special note. Don’t forget, every gram comes with a special treat! Grams are on sale at the school store before school from 7:30-7:45 a.m. and after school from 2:30-2:45 p.m.

4) Keystone AEA will be at Jefferson on January 6th and 11th to do hearing screens on all 7th grade students. If there is a problem with your student's hearing you will be notified. If you have any questions please contact the school nurse at 563-552-4712.

5) LEAP registration was handed out in homebase yesterday. Please return them ASAP, LEAP is a first come, first serve program. All registration are due Friday, December 18th.

6) Our first dance is this Friday, December 18th. The cost is $3.00 to attend. If you have had more than 4 office referrals or a suspension, you cannot attend. Check with homebase teacher for more information on dance activities!

7) A reminder that boys basketball for 7th and 8th graders starts January 4th, you must have a sport physical on file to participate.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS Student Announcements - Monday, December 14, 2015 -- Day A

1) Birthdays Today - December 14th...Joseph Dress.

2) The LRC is helping Ms. Boxleiter and her daughter Amelia collect books for "Amelia's Books For Babies" donation to University of Iowa Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Bring new and gently used books to the LRC and place in our collection box before December 22nd.

3) It’s that time of year again, Holiday Grams are on sale starting now through December 21st. Holiday Grams are $.25 and a great way to send someone a seasonal greeting or just a special note. Don’t forget, every gram comes with a special treat! Grams are on sale at the school store before school from 7:30-7:45 a.m. and after school from 2:30-2:45 p.m.

4) Sports Today - Girls Basketball...Jefferson vs. Mazzuchelli Gold. 7th grade at Mazzuchelli and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games begin at 4 p.m.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS Student Announcements - Friday, December 11, 2015 -- Day B

1) Birthdays Today - December 11th...Hunter Fehsal. December 13th...Abby Kinney.

2) The LRC is helping Ms. Boxleiter and her daughter Amelia collect books for "Amelia's Books For Babies" donation to University of Iowa Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Bring new and gently used books to the LRC and place in our collection box before December 22nd.

3) It’s that time of year again, Holiday Grams are on sale starting now through December 21st. Holiday Grams are $.25 and a great way to send someone a seasonal greeting or just a special note. Don’t forget, every gram comes with a special treat! Grams are on sale at the school store before school from 7:30-7:45 a.m. and after school from 2:30-2:45 p.m.

4) VIP tickets for talent show...If students still want VIP Seating (sit by their friends); Mrs. Zillig will be available this morning during Home Base. This is the last day to purchase VIP SEATING. Students will be able to purchase regular seats up to the day of the show on Monday, December 14th. The sooner the better, but we will sell on Monday if need be.

5) Congratulations to Jefferson's top 5 spellers who will be advancing to the sectional spelling bee on Thursday, January 7th at Clarke University. (Shaelyn Hostager, House 8-1; Max Schumacher, House 8-2; Bevin Olson, House 7-1; Abby Kinney, House 7-2; Angelina Shappell, House 6-1) Our alternate is Kaylee Hantelmann, House 6-1.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS Student Announcements - Thursday, December 10, 2015 -- Day A

1) Birthdays Today - December 10th...Kalb Green.

2) The LRC is helping Ms. Boxleiter and her daughter Amelia collect books for "Amelia's Books For Babies" donation to University of Iowa Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Bring new and gently used books to the LRC and place in our collection box before December 22nd.

3) All students who are in the talent show, including the crew, should report to the cafeteria to eat lunch at 10:40 today. After lunch, there will be a rehearsal of the talent show in the auditorium.

4) It’s that time of year again, Holiday Grams are on sale starting now through December 21st. Holiday Grams are $.25 and a great way to send someone a seasonal greeting or just a special note. Don’t forget, every gram comes with a special treat! Grams are on sale at the school store before school from 7:30-7:45 a.m. and after school from 2:30-2:45 p.m.

5) VIP tickets for talent show...If students still want VIP Seating (sit by their friends); Mrs. Zillig will be available Friday (December 11th) during Morning Home Base. Friday will be the last day to purchase VIP SEATING. Regular seats...Students will be able to purchase up to the day of the show Monday (December 14th). The sooner the better, but we will sell on Monday if need be.

6) Sports Today - Girls Basketball...Jefferson vs. Washington White. 7th grade at Washington and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games begin at 4 p.m.

7) Sports Today - Wrestling Meet...Jefferson vs. Mazzuchelli vs. Roosevelt vs. Washington at Mazzuchelli beginning at 4 p.m.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015 -- Day A

Student Announcements - Tuesday, December 8, 2015 -- Day A

1) Birthdays Today - December 8th...Brandon Lewis.

2) Congratulations to the following students who were nominated by their teachers to participate in the Belin-Blank Summer Institute held in Iowa City in June 2016. 8th grade...Nick Behnke, Keshauna Bodley, Jimmy Bowen, Adeline Coenen,Jessica Droessler, Ella Esser, Carissa Elskamp, Jacob Fonck, Noah Francois, Emma Gilles, Paige Hanson, David Heinold, Shaelyn Hostager, Gryphon Metcalf, Jacqueline Mootz, Trenton Sanchez, Blake Schleter, Catherine Schueller, Max Schumacher, Avery Setter, Chelce Tract, Erin Weigman, Naomi Winkelman, and Jayme Wuertzer. 7th grade...Samantha Birkett, Seth Dalberg, Ivy Dearstone, Aidan Dunne, Hunter Fehsal, Charlie Fiegen, Caleb Heims, Trenton Heming, Vanessa Kammerude, Abby Kinney, Abby Kramer, Jillian Less, Emily Mueller, Adam Mustafa, Bevin Olson, Melanie Perez, Erika Rohner,Quiana Sabers, McKennan Saunders, Nick Standorf, Kaden Wehrenberg, Grant Wiebke, and Sophia Zebarth. Students nominated for Belin-Blank must return the parent consent form to Ms. Weber by Friday, December 11th in order to move forward in the application process.

3) LEAP program...Snow Shoeing at the Mines of Spain will be meeting with or without snow, rain or shine on Tuesday December 8th. If you signed up for this please plan on going no matter what the weather is doing.

4) Winter Band Concert tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Jefferson Auditorium.

5) Sports Today...Jefferson Wrestling Meet...Drexler vs. Jefferson vs. Washington at Washington at 4 p.m.

The LRC is helping Ms. Boxleiter and her daughter Amelia collect books for "Amelia's Books For Babies" donation to University of Iowa Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Bring new and gently used books to the LRC and place in our collection box before December 22nd.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Thanks DRA!

Thomas Jefferson Middle School would like to thank the Dubuque Racing Association for their grant award of $3195. Our school recently had the aeroponic garden installed and we can't wait to start planting.

TJMS Student Announcements - Friday, December 4, 2015 -- Day A

1) Birthdays Today - December 4th...Aryana Birch, Gwenith Dunlap, Isabella Shepherd. December 5th...Celia CasarrubiasKelley, Hailee Elliott, Michael Loney.

2) Every student in the building will be participating in the Hour of Code next week! Get ready to participate in the largest learning event in history!

3) Congratulations to the following students who were nominated by their teachers to participate in the Belin-Blank Summer Institute held in Iowa City in June 2016.  Students nominated for Belin-Blank must return the parent consent form to Ms. Weber by Friday, December 11th in order to move forward in the application process.

8th grade...Nick Behnke, Keshauna Bodley, Jimmy Bowen, Adeline Coenen,Jessica Droessler, Ella Esser, Carissa Elskamp, Jacob Fonck, Noah Francois, Emma Gilles, Paige Hanson, David Heinold, Shaelyn Hostager, Gryphon Metcalf, Jacqueline Mootz, Trenton Sanchez, Blake Schleter, Catherine Schueller, Max Schumacher, Avery Setter, Chelce Tract, Erin Weigman, Naomi Winkelman, and Jayme Wuertzer. 

7th grade...Samantha Birkett, Seth Dalberg, Ivy Dearstone, Aidan Dunne, Hunter Fehsal, Charlie Fiegen, Caleb Heims, Trenton Heming, Vanessa Kammerude, Abby Kinney, Abby Kramer, Jillian Less, Emily Mueller, Adam Mustafa, Bevin Olson, Melanie Perez, Erika Rohner,Quiana Sabers, McKennan Saunders, Nick Standorf, Kaden Wehrenberg, Grant Wiebke, and Sophia Zebarth.

4) LEAP program, Snow Shoeing at the Mines of Spain will be meeting with or without snow, rain or shine on Tuesday Dec. 8th. If you signed up for this please plan on going no matter what the weather is doing.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Student Tardy Policy Update:

  • Student Tardy Policy Update:
    School success goes hand-in-hand with good attendance!
    Being to school on time every day is important. However, we know some mornings can be rather hectic and that is why we allow students to be tardy three (3) times in a trimester without any consequences.
    Beginning with the fourth (4th) tardy, students will receive the following consequence.
    When students arrive…
    > after 7:45am but before 8:30am they will have a 15 minute after school detention.
    > after 8:30am but before 9:00am they will have a 30 minute after school detention.
    > after 9:00am but before 9:30am they will have a 45 minute after school detention.
    Students that arrive after 9:30am, will be considered truant and marked as an “Unexcused Absence.” Ongoing truancy issues may lead to additional involvement with the district’s Truancy Officer.
    Note: Students will receive another three (3) excused tardy passes at the beginning of each trimester.
    Please call school if you know your child will be late or absent. 552-4702
    The after school time is not necessarily a consequence, rather a time for your child to get caught up on what they missed.
    Thank you for your assistance.

Thursday, December 3, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS Student Announcements - Thursday, December 3, 2015 -- Day B

1) Birthdays Today - December 3rd...Grace Becker.

2) Sports Today - Girls Basketball...Jefferson vs. Drexler Red. 7th grade at Drexler and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games begin at 4 p.m.

3) Every student in the building will be participating in the Hour of Code next week! Get ready to participate in the largest learning event in history!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wednesday, December 2, 2015 -- Day A

TJMS Student Announcements - Wednesday, December 2, 2015 -- Day A

1) Birthdays Today - December 2nd...Marieka Myrick.

2) Last call to sign up for the spelling bee - you must be signed up in the Main Office or have e-mailed Ms. Weber by the end of the day today. The Jefferson's school-wide spelling bee is on Wednesday, December 9th. The top five students will be selected to represent Jefferson in the sectional spelling bee held at Clarke University in January.

3) Are you interested in real-world issues like school start time, minimum wage, or the refugee crisis? Do you like the research, write, and debate your position on the issues? Applications for Young Citizen's Forum are available in the main office. They must be turned in to the main office by the end of the day today. Contact Ms. Weber, if you have any further questions.

4) Sports Today - Girls Basketball...Jefferson vs. Washington Blue. 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Washington; both games begin at 4 p.m.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015 -- Day B

TJMS Student Announcements - Tuesday, December 1, 2015 -- Day B

1) Birthdays Today - December 1st...Morgan Brimeyer, Kyle Schmidt.

2) Last call to sign up for the spelling bee - you must be signed up in the Main Office or have e-mailed Ms. Weber by the end of the day on Wednesday. The Jefferson's school-wide spelling bee is on Wednesday, December 9th. The top five students will be selected to represent Jefferson in the sectional spelling bee held at Clarke University in January.

3) Are you interested in real-world issues like school start time, minimum wage, or the refugee crisis? Do you like the research, write, and debate your position on the issues? Applications for Young Citizen's Forum are available in the main office. They must be turned in to the main office by the end of the day on Wednesday, December 2nd. Contact Ms. Weber, if you have any further questions.

4) Sports Today - Wrestling Meet...Jefferson vs. Mazzuchelli vs. Roosevelt at Jefferson beginning at 4 p.m.