TJMS Student Announcements - Friday, November 6, 2015 -- Day A
1) Birthdays Today - November 7th...Jack Hanson, Mikayla Randall, Ketoria Wilkins. November 8th...Alec Nissen, Isaac Nissen.
2) Bowling dates for LEAP are released as November 24th, December 1st and December 8th. Sign up today if you haven’t already.
3) Now is the time to get your new HillHawk Apparel with this year’s new design. Order forms are in the main office or ask a homebase teacher. All orders must be paid in full, completed by November 13th and turned into the main office. Your gear will arrive about a 10 days later.
4) School Store is now open 7:30-7:45 a.m. in the morning. Pencils, pens, binders, etc will be sold, as well as, novelty items and some HillHawk Apparel. HillsBills are accepted for some items.
5) If anyone has uniforms still not turned in from 6th grade track or volleyball, please turn them into the main office as soon as possible.
6) Site Council Meeting in the LRC on Monday, November 9th at 7:05 a.m.
7) Congratulations to Doug Saunders, Shaelyn Hostager and Noah Francois. These three students were the only ones in the entire school to get 100 Pacers on the Fall test! Congratulations, what a great way to be your BEST HillHawks! They all earned a special prize!
8) ITP testing starting the week of November 9th, a great way to be your BEST HillHawks. Good luck on all your tests and give your best EFFORT!