1) Birthdays Today - May 4th...Jeremy Konrardy.
2) Looking for a summer reading skills program? Upper Iowa University is offering programs for students from K-12 to improve their reading skills. The program for students entering grades 6-8 focuses on reading skills to assist with reading informational text, note taking, and study skills along with improving reading speed. The program for students entering grades 6-8 is held on Thursdays from 9-11:30 AM at Clarke University (June 18-July 16). For more information please contact Upper Iowa at 1-800-570-8936.
3) Four Mounds Foundation is announcing the early registration is ongoing for the Adventure Day Camp. There are scholarships available for those in need. Stop by the main office before May 20th and pick up an informational packet.
4) Any girl interested in attending Basketball camp for the Hempstead Mustangs this summer, pick up information in the main office or see Mr. Hatcher.
5) 8th grade baseball tryouts at Hempstead will take place beginning today, May 4th until Thursday, May 7th. Tryouts will run from 5-7 pm each day. All players must have a current physical on file with the activities office and go through impact testing with the Hempstead trainer.
6) All 8th grade girls going out for Hempstead softball must be at the Hempstead Auditorium at 7 p.m. tonight to complete Impact testing. The parent meeting will then be held at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium.
7) Sports Today - Sports Today - Boys Track & Field...Jefferson hosts Roosevelt and Washington at Hempstead beginning at 4:15 p.m.
8) The 2nd annual Middle School State Bowling championship is May 16th, if you want to sign up see Mr. Hatcher for more information.
Cell Phone Policy - Effective 5/1/15 Special Announcement Starting today, May 1st, we will be implementing new expectations on the use of cell phones and other electronic devices in our school. As the principal of this school I am responsible for the learning environment and for student achievement. We are all here for one reason ---- education. Students are here to learn. Teachers are here to teach. And everyone else is here to support both the students as learners and the teachers as instructors. Cell phones and other electronic devices have become a distraction to this environment. Students are being distracted from fully participating in their own learning. Students are in hallways using these devices instead of being in their classes. Students are sending inappropriate messages to other students during the school day. Students are more interested in playing a video game than they are completing their class work. Student achievement is suffering and we need to get back on the right path. A path of finishing the year on a strong academic note – doing our best and working hard. Therefore, here are the expectations for these devices at Jefferson, effective immediately. 1. All devices are to be put away and out of sight from the time you enter the building in the morning until the day ends at 2:30 pm. 2. Phones/devices are not to be used or seen in the hallways/restrooms/locker rooms at any time. 3. These devices are not to be used or seen in the lunchroom during lunch/breakfast. 4. Teachers may allow students to use these devices if they have an imperative significance to the learning that is taking place inside the classroom. 5. Teachers are not permitted to allow students to be listening to music in their classrooms at any time. 6. All Staff members are expected to enforce these expectations. Students that violate these expectations will be asked to turn their device into the office immediately. They will be allowed to come to the office at the end of the day to get their device back. This will only be the case once. If students violate these expectations a second time, they will be asked to turn their device into the office immediately and a parent or guardian will have to come to school to get the device back. Make the time left count. The Choice is Yours!