1) Hempstead High School Open House is on Monday, January 26th from 7 to 8:30 p.m. starting in the North Gym. Dubuque Senior High School Open House is Monday, January 26th beginning at 7 p.m. at the Senior High Nora Gym.
2) Birthdays Today - January 20th...Dana Jones, Diann Kamram.
3) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Contest Winners: Congratulations to Mailayne Samuel and Alec Lynch, both of House 6-1! Mailayne won 1st place and Alec won 2nd place in the 6-8 Multimedia Category. They will be recognized at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Breakfast which will be held on Monday, January 19th.
4) Sports Today - Boys Basketball...Jefferson Gold vs. Jefferson Red (7th grade only) beginning at 4 p.m.