Student Announcements - Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - Day A
1) Birthdays Today - September 23rd...Samantha Fiegen.
2) Sports Today - Girls Gold Volleyball...Jefferson Gold vs. Drexler Red. 7th grade at Drexler and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games beginning at 4 p.m.
3)Sports Today - 8th Grade Jefferson Football...Jefferson Red vs. Washington White at Washington at 4:15 p.m. and Jefferson Gold vs. Drexler Red at Drexler beginning at 4:15 p.m.
4) Sports Today - 7th/8th Boys/Girls Cross Country...Cross Country meet for Mazzuchelli, Roosevelt, Washington, Western Dubuque and Jefferson at Soccer Complex beginning at 4:30 p.m.
5) Join the After School Leap Program (Teens Tackling Tough Topics). We have food, we go on field trips and we do a lot of fun things.
6)6th grade girls track practice today.
7) Starting October 8th, Chess Club will meet in room 105 on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month after school from 2:30 (after snack, etc.) until 3:45 (so kids can get to the activity bus).
8) It’s a busy week for us up here on the Hill, give your best HillHawk effort on MAP tests and the Pacer this week! Be excellent!
9) A great day was had by all HillHawks on Friday Sept. 19th at the Celebration of Community! The bed sheets races once again proved to be a very competitive event which brought out that HillHawk spirit in us all! In the end there could only one winner per house; Congratulations to House 1’s Mrs. Tritz’s class, and House 2’s Mrs. Meyer Class. Trophies are on display for your viewing pleasure. The school cheer was just as competitive and illustrious. The coveted Spirit Stick for House 1’s went to the 8th graders and House 2’s- 6th graders took home the honors this year.
10) At the cross-country meet last Friday in Cascade, 233 girls competed. Jefferson’s very own Riley Uthe placed 12th overall with a time of 14:37, Hannah Brown placed 17th overall with a time of 14:50, and Shaelyn Hostager placed 53rd overall with a time of 16:11. Amazing job girls!
Jefferson Site Council The Thomas Jefferson Middle School Site-Council will have it's first meeting at 5:30 pm on October 13th in the Jefferson Middle School Library. Meetings will be held one Monday each month. We are looking for parents, students and community members that would like to serve on this Council. If you are interested in participating in this opportunity or if you would like more information on the Site-Council, please call or e-mail Mr. Kramer at 563-552-4700 or