Student Announcements - Friday, September 6, 2013 Day A
1) Don't forget to turn in your Box Tops and Soup Labels! Remember to keep saving them!
2) LEAP registration forms must be turned in by today.
3) Volleyball Gold teams and Cross Country will have pictures today before practice.
4) Birthdays Today - September 7th...Angel Carroll, Taitem Marburger.
5) 7th and 8th grade students should NOT go through the 6th grade hallway upstairs during transition time. They should use the middle or south stair cases. If they use the north staircases they should be going to the main floor and not the top floor. It is way too congested if they go through the 6th grade hallway. This is mostly a 7th grade issue but the 8th graders do have the digital literacy class upstairs so they should use the middle stairwell to go to this class.