Student Announcements - Day B
1) Today is a Day B.
2) If you ordered any black sweatshirts, black sweatpants, long or short sleeve t-shirts, please stop by the main office, pay and take your merchandise.
3) Young Citizen's Forum participants - if you need labels for the online resources please see Ms Cairns. Also, if you would like to work on your project before your next meeting, please see Ms Cairns or Mrs. Neyens for a pass to come in during homebase. You may also use the Homework Help time after school for this project.
4) Happy Birthday - January 9th...Robert Bauer, Megan Gronau, Conner SmithHenkel.
Dance Practice 7-8th grade Dance Team practice will begin on Wednesday, January 11th. Those wishing to participate need to report to the wrestling room right after school. Dance practice will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2:35 to 3:40pm.