Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - Day B

Student Announcements - Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - Day B

1) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

2) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

3) The HEMPSTEAD BUNNY HOP 5K/JELLY BEAN FUN RUN will be held at Roosevelt School on April 4th. Stop by the Main office to pick up an informational sheet.

4) Birthdays Today - March 31st...Tanner Bries, Travis Bries, Scott Hostager, Shaelyn Hostager, Markus King.


6) ATTENTION BATTLE OF THE BOOK TEAMS...It is time for our Jefferson team battles to see who will be representing our school at the Forum for the Official Battle. Have you formed a team yet?? Our battles will be in the LRC on Monday, April 13th. 8th grade teams will battle at 7:50. 7th grade teams will battle at 11:00. 6th grade teams will battle at 11:30. NOTICE: THE LRC WILL BE CLOSED DURING THESE BATTLES.

7) 2015 Jefferson Battle Teams...6th grade...Mikea Hall, Ella Heim, Levi Schueller, Jaynen Bulter, Amilliean Brand, Taylor Cota, Vanessa Kamerude, Tanner Bries, Monica Hughes, Randi Pinto, Ella Kane, Spencer Roberts, Lashanti Martin, Ivy Dearstone, Logan Scherf, Andrew Anderson, Aaliyah Miller, Daemon Thomas, Tim Leslien. 7th Grade...(Faith Jasper, Carissa Elkskamp, Sydney Hammel, Aryana Birch, Ashley Klein, Megan Hammerand, Becca Johnson, Jayme Wuertzer, Shaelyn Hostager, Keshauna Bodley. 8th Grade...(Carly Dalberg, Elizabeth Freiburger, Tristan Miller, Grace Harwood, Ben Birkett, Allison Klein, Cole Heim, Taya Hess, Lizzy Thill, Kayla LsPage.

8) Congratulations to the following students who were selected to participate in the Belin-Blank Summer Institute in June: Samantha Clark, Visual Arts; Ben Hermiston, Social Sciences; Hannah Kramer, Math Problem Solving; Caleb Perreard, Performing Arts; Ted Spring, Global & Cultural Studies; and Derek Veltstra, Advanced Science. Additionally, two students were selected as alternates: Carly Dalberg, Creative Writing; and Trenton Sanchez, Invention and Innovation.

From Mr. Kramer - School Fundraiser: I have been asked by several people whether we are doing the Discount Card Fundraiser again this year. Yes, we will be doing the Fundraiser again this year. At the present time I have confirmed participation from 13 local business. I am still waiting for confirmation from 4 other businesses and 3 businesses have declined to participate this year. As soon as I can get confirmation from the other businesses and get at least one more new business to participate this year we can kick-off this activity. I have some special incentives to offer this year and I will share these with everyone as we get closer to the kick-off. Stay tuned!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015 - Day A

Student Announcements - Monday, March 30, 2015 - Day A

1) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

2) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

3) The HEMPSTEAD BUNNY HOP 5K/JELLY BEAN FUN RUN will be held at Roosevelt School on April 4th. Stop by the Main office to pick up an informational sheet.

4) Birthdays Today - March 30th...Benjamin Lahey, Antonio Robles.


6) ATTENTION BATTLE OF THE BOOK TEAMS...It is time for our Jefferson team battles to see who will be representing our school at the Forum for the Official Battle. Have you formed a team yet?? Our battles will be in the LRC on Monday, April 13th. 8th grade teams will battle at 7:50. 7th grade teams will battle at 11:00. 6th grade teams will battle at 11:30. NOTICE: THE LRC WILL BE CLOSED DURING THESE BATTLES.

7) 2015 Jefferson Battle Teams...6th grade...Mikea Hall, Ella Heim, Levi Schueller, Jaynen Bulter, Amilliean Brand, Taylor Cota, Vanessa Kamerude, Tanner Bries, Monica Hughes, Randi Pinto, Ella Kane, Spencer Roberts, Lashanti Martin, Ivy Dearstone, Logan Scherf, Andrew Anderson, Aaliyah Miller, Daemon Thomas, Tim Leslien. 7th Grade...(Faith Jasper, Carissa Elkskamp, Sydney Hammel, Aryana Birch, Ashley Klein, Megan Hammerand, Becca Johnson, Jayme Wuertzer, Shaelyn Hostager, Keshauna Bodley. 8th Grade...(Carly Dalberg, Elizabeth Freiburger, Tristan Miller, Grace Harwood, Ben Birkett, Allison Klein, Cole Heim, Taya Hess, Lizzy Thill, Kayla LsPage.

8) Congratulations to the following students who were selected to participate in the Belin-Blank Summer Institute in June: Samantha Clark, Visual Arts; Ben Hermiston, Social Sciences; Hannah Kramer, Math Problem Solving; Caleb Perreard, Performing Arts; Ted Spring, Global & Cultural Studies; and Derek Veltstra, Advanced Science. Additionally, two students were selected as alternates: Carly Dalberg, Creative Writing; and Trenton Sanchez, Invention and Innovation.

From Mr. Kramer ... School Fundraiser I have been asked by several people whether we are doing the Discount Card Fundraiser again this year. Yes, we will be doing the Fundraiser again this year. At the present time I have confirmed participation from 13 local business. I am still waiting for confirmation from 4 other businesses and 3 businesses have declined to participate this year. As soon as I can get confirmation from the other businesses and get at least one more new business to participate this year we can kick-off this activity. I have some special incentives to offer this year and I will share these with everyone as we get closer to the kick-off. Stay tuned!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015 - Day B

Student Announcements - Friday, March 27, 2015 - Day B

1) 7th and 8th grade track will begin today. Report to the North Gym at 2:35 in clothes ready to run.

2) Attention all HillHawks! Next week is our Spring School Spirit Week! On Monday wear Sunglasses and your favorite Hat, on Tuesday dress like a Twin, Wednesday, Mix and Match Day, wear clothes that don’t match, Thursday School Spirit Day, RED OUT! If you don’t have TJMS apparel to wear, find something RED. We will take “selfie’s” of your homebase all dressed in Red, the best selfie’s will be posted on our FACEBOOK page.

3) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

4) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

5) The HEMPSTEAD BUNNY HOP 5K/JELLY BEAN FUN RUN will be held at Roosevelt School on April 4th. Stop by the Main office to pick up an informational sheet.

6) Birthdays Today - March 27th...Delano Cain, Caryn Chapman. March 28th...Laura Daack. March 29th...Destiny Schoenfeld.


8) ATTENTION BATTLE OF THE BOOK TEAMS...It is time for our Jefferson team battles to see who will be representing our school at the Forum for the Official Battle. Have you formed a team yet?? Our battles will be in the LRC on Monday, April 13th. 8th grade teams will battle at 7:50. 7th grade teams will battle at 11:00. 6th grade teams will battle at 11:30. NOTICE: THE LRC WILL BE CLOSED DURING THESE BATTLES.

9) 2015 Jefferson Battle Teams...6th grade...Mikea Hall, Ella Heim, Levi Schueller, Jaynen Bulter, Amilliean Brand, Taylor Cota, Vanessa Kamerude, Tanner Bries, Monica Hughes, Randi Pinto, Ella Kane, Spencer Roberts, Lashanti Martin, Ivy Dearstone, Logan Scherf, Andrew Anderson, Aaliyah Miller, Daemon Thomas, Tim Leslien. 7th Grade...(Faith Jasper, Carissa Elkskamp, Sydney Hammel, Aryana Birch, Ashley Klein, Megan Hammerand, Becca Johnson, Jayme Wuertzer, Shaelyn Hostager, Keshauna Bodley. 8th Grade...(Carly Dalberg, Elizabeth Freiburger, Tristan Miller, Grace Harwood, Ben Birkett, Allison Klein, Cole Heim, Taya Hess, Lizzy Thill, Kayla LaPage.

From Mr. Kramer - School Fundraiser I have been asked by several people whether we are doing the Discount Card Fundraiser again this year. Yes, we will be doing the Fundraiser again this year. At the present time I have confirmed participation from 13 local business. I am still waiting for confirmation from 4 other businesses and 3 businesses have declined to participate this year. As soon as I can get confirmation from the other businesses and get at least one more new business to participate this year we can kick-off this activity. I have some special incentives to offer this year and I will share these with everyone as we get closer to the kick-off. Stay tuned!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday, March 26, 2015 - Day A

Student Announcements - Thursday, March 26, 2015 - Day A

1) 7th and 8th grade track will begin tomorrow, March 27th. Make sure you have an updated physical and concussion form. Report to the North Gym at 2:35 in clothes ready to run.

2) 6th grade girls basketball intramurals will have their tournament games today at 3 p.m.

3) Attention all HillHawks! Next week is our Spring School Sprit Week! On Monday wear Sunglasses and your favorite Hat, on Tuesday dress like a Twin, Wednesday, Mix and Match Day, wear clothes that don’t match, Thursday School Spirit Day, RED OUT! If you don’t have TJMS apparel to wear, find something RED. We will take “selfie’s” of your homebase all dressed in Red, the best Selfie’s will be posted on our FACEBOOK page.

4) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

5) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

6) The HEMPSTEAD BUNNY HOP 5K/JELLY BEAN FUN RUN will be held at Roosevelt School on April 4th. Stop by the Main office to pick up an informational sheet.

7) Birthdays Today - March 26th...Kyle Knockel, Neiomi Sibok, Donavagn Swanagan.

From Mr. Kramer:  School Fundraiser - I have been asked by several people whether we are doing the Discount Card Fundraiser again this year. Yes, we will be doing the Fundraiser again this year. At the present time I have confirmed participation from 13 local business. I am still waiting for confirmation from 4 other businesses and 3 businesses have declined to participate this year. As soon as I can get confirmation from the other businesses and get at least one more new business to participate this year we can kick-off this activity. I have some special incentives to offer this year and I will share these with everyone as we get closer to the kick-off. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 - Day B

Student Announcements - Wednesday, March 25, 2015 - Day B

1) 7th and 8th grade track will begin on Friday, March 27th. Make sure you have an updated physical and concussion form. Report to the North Gym at 2:35 in clothes ready to run.

2) 6th grade basketball intramurals will have their tournament games this Wednesday and Thursday. Boys play at 3 p.m. on Wednesday and Girls at 3 p.m. on Thursday.

3) Attention all HillHawks! Next week is our Spring School Sprit Week! On Monday wear Sunglasses and your favorite Hat, on Tuesday dress like a Twin, Wednesday, Mix and Match Day, wear clothes that don’t match, Thursday School Spirit Day, RED OUT! If you don’t have TJMS apparel to wear, find something RED. We will take “selfie’s” of your homebase all dressed in Red, the best Selfie’s will be posted on our FACEBOOK page.

4) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

5) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

6) The HEMPSTEAD BUNNY HOP 5K/JELLY BEAN FUN RUN will be held at Roosevelt School on April 4th. Stop by the Main office to pick up an informational sheet.

7) Birthdays Today - March 25th...Ramsey Moment.

School Fundraiser.  From Mr Kramer:  I have been asked by several people whether we are doing the Discount Card Fundraiser again this year. Yes, we will be doing the Fundraiser again this year. At the present time I have confirmed participation from 13 local business. I am still waiting for confirmation from 4 other businesses and 3 businesses have declined to participate this year. As soon as I can get confirmation from the other businesses and get at least one more new business to participate this year we can kick-off this activity. I have some special incentives to offer this year and I will share these with everyone as we get closer to the kick-off. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 - Day A

Student Announcements - Tuesday, March 24, 2015 - Day A

1) 7th and 8th grade track will begin on Friday, March 27th. Make sure you have an updated physical and concussion form. Report to the North Gym at 2:35 in clothes ready to run.

2) 6th grade basketball intramurals will have their tournament games this Wednesday and Thursday. Boys play at 3 p.m. on Wednesday and Girls at 3 p.m. on Thursday.

3) Attention all HillHawks! Next week is our Spring School Sprit Week! On Monday wear Sunglasses and your favorite Hat, on Tuesday dress like a Twin, Wednesday, Mix and Match Day, wear clothes that don’t match, Thursday School Spirit Day, RED OUT! If you don’t have TJMS apparel to wear, find something RED. We will take “selfie’s” of your homebase all dressed in Red, the best Selfie’s will be posted on our FACEBOOK page.

4) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

5) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

6) The HEMPSTEAD BUNNY HOP 5K/JELLY BEAN FUN RUN will be held at Roosevelt School on April 4th. Stop by the Main office to pick up an informational sheet.

7) Birthdays Today - March 24th...No birthdays today.

Front of School The grass area in front of school has been roped off and we ask that every stay off of this area so we can get the grass to grow. Thank you.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015 - Day B

Student Announcements - Monday, March 23, 2015 - Day B

1) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated and if there is a question please check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

2) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

3) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

4) The HEMPSTEAD BUNNY HOP 5K/JELLY BEAN FUN RUN will be held at Roosevelt School on April 4th. Stop by the Main office to pick up an informational sheet.

5) Birthdays Today - March 20th...Jacob Hollister, Randa Oltmanns. March 22nd...Isaac Cretsinger, Carissa Elskamp, Lashanti Martin, Gryphon Metcalf. March 23rd...Trenten Kershner, Robert PowellMoore, Lucas Smith.

Front of School The grass area in front of school has been roped off and we ask that every stay off of this area so we can get the grass to grow. Thank you.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015 - Day A

Student Announcements - Thursday, March 19, 2015 - Day A

1) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated and if there is a question please check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

2) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

3) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

4) The HEMPSTEAD BUNNY HOP 5K/JELLY BEAN FUN RUN will be held at Roosevelt School on April 4th. Stop by the Main office to pick up an informational sheet.

5) Birthdays Today - March 19th...Lacey Bradfield, Frank Fincel, Nathan Pfeiffer.

Front of School The grass area in front of school has been roped off and we ask that every stay off of this area so we can get the grass to grow. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - Day B

Student Announcements - Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - Day B

1) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated and if there is a question please check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

2) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

3) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

4) Spirit Day is Thursday this week, remember to wear your Jefferson Apparel on Thursday, no school Friday.

Front of School The grass area in front of school has been roped off and we ask that every stay off of this area so we can get the grass to grow. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015 - Day B

Student Announcements - Monday, March 16, 2015 - Day B

1) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated and if there is a question please check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

2) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

3) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

Front of School The grass area in front of school has been roped off and we ask that every stay off of this area so we can get the grass to grow. Thank you.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015 - Day B

Student Announcements - Monday, March 16, 2015 - Day B

1) Birthdays Today - March 16th...Emma Decker, Natalie Oertel, Chase Sabers.

2) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated and if there is a question please check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

3) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

4) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday, March 13, 2015 - Day A

Student Announcements - Friday, March 13, 2015 - Day A

1) Are you between the ages of 13-17? How would you like to earn $1,000 this summer? Future Talk is a program of diverse youth expanding and strengthening the community through work in the outdoors, working with local partners, environmental literacy, and service to the community. Financial literacy and employment workshops are offered to each participant to help youth reach their highest potential. Applications are available for pick up at the Multicultural Family Center or on their website: mfcdbq.org and are due by March 15, 2015.

2) Birthdays Today - March 14th...Noah Capaul. March 15th...Saffery Kiotak.

3) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated and if there is a question please check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

4) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

5) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015 - Day B

Student Announcements - Thursday, March 12, 2015 - Day B

1) Are you between the ages of 13-17? How would you like to earn $1,000 this summer? Future Talk is a program of diverse youth expanding and strengthening the community through work in the outdoors, working with local partners, environmental literacy, and service to the community. Financial literacy and employment workshops are offered to each participant to help youth reach their highest potential. Applications are available for pick up at the Multicultural Family Center or on their website: mfcdbq.org and are due by March 15, 2015.

2) YOU ARE INVITED…HAVE SOME SOCCER FUN at the 1ST ANNUAL HEMPSTEAD YOUTH SOCCER CLINIC; presented by Hempstead Men’s Soccer Team. All boys and girls in Elementary and Middle school are invited to attend at the Hempstead High School North Gym. Wear tennis shoes and shin guards please. This takes place on Saturday, March 14, 2015; check-in at 9:00 a.m. and clinic begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. The MVC-conference ranked Hempstead Men’s Soccer team will train with the future soccer stars on shooting, dribbling, passing, and other soccer skills in a fun environment. Cost of registration will be $20 for per player, walk-ins are welcome. Stop by the main office for a registration form. Pizza will be served with the soccer team from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; parents/family are also welcome to attend; cost for this is $5 per person!

3) Birthdays Today - March 12th...Garrett Long, Douglas Saunders.

4) If you would like to order a Memory Book, which is received the last day of school, bring $12 to the main office. This is ensure you will receive a memory book.

5) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated and if there is a question please check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

6) If anyone is interested in Cheerleading Tryout for Senior High School, there is a parent/student meeting tonight, March 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the Nora Gym.

7) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

8) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - Day A

Student Announcements - Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - Day A

1) Are you between the ages of 13-17? How would you like to earn $1,000 this summer? Future Talk is a program of diverse youth expanding and strengthening the community through work in the outdoors, working with local partners, environmental literacy, and service to the community. Financial literacy and employment workshops are offered to each participant to help youth reach their highest potential. Applications are available for pick up at the Multicultural Family Center or on their website: mfcdbq.org and are due by March 15, 2015.

2) YOU ARE INVITED…HAVE SOME SOCCER FUN at the 1ST ANNUAL HEMPSTEAD YOUTH SOCCER CLINIC; presented by Hempstead Men’s Soccer Team. All boys and girls in Elementary and Middle school are invited to attend at the Hempstead High School North Gym. Wear tennis shoes and shin guards please. This takes place on Saturday, March 14, 2015; check-in at 9:00 a.m. and clinic begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. The MVC-conference ranked Hempstead Men’s Soccer team will train with the future soccer stars on shooting, dribbling, passing, and other soccer skills in a fun environment. Cost of registration will be $20 for per player, walk-ins are welcome. Stop by the main office for a registration form. Pizza will be served with the soccer team from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; parents/family are also welcome to attend; cost for this is $5 per person!

3) Birthdays Today - March 11th...Ella Heim, Katrina Muntz.

4) If you would like to order a Memory Book, which is received the last day of school, bring $12 to the main office. This is ensure you will receive a memory book.

5) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated and if there is a question please check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

6) If anyone is interested in Cheerleading Tryout for Senior High School, there is a parent/student meeting on Thursday, March 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the Nora Gym.

7) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

8) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

9) Congratulations to the 6th grade Dream Center boys basketball team. They won the West Dubuque basketball tournament this weekend!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - Day B

Student Announcements - Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - Day B

1) Are you between the ages of 13-17? How would you like to earn $1,000 this summer? Future Talk is a program of diverse youth expanding and strengthening the community through work in the outdoors, working with local partners, environmental literacy, and service to the community. Financial literacy and employment workshops are offered to each participant to help youth reach their highest potential. Applications are available for pick up at the Multicultural Family Center or on their website: mfcdbq.org and are due by March 15, 2015.

2) YOU ARE INVITED…HAVE SOME SOCCER FUN at the 1ST ANNUAL HEMPSTEAD YOUTH SOCCER CLINIC; presented by Hempstead Men’s Soccer Team. All boys and girls in Elementary and Middle school are invited to attend at the Hempstead High School North Gym. Wear tennis shoes and shin guards please. This takes place on Saturday, March 14, 2015; check-in at 9:00 a.m. and clinic begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. The MVC-conference ranked Hempstead Men’s Soccer team will train with the future soccer stars on shooting, dribbling, passing, and other soccer skills in a fun environment. Cost of registration will be $20 for per player, walk-ins are welcome. Stop by the main office for a registration form. Pizza will be served with the soccer team from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; parents/family are also welcome to attend; cost for this is $5 per person!

3) Birthdays Today - March 10th...Dayton Heacock; Justin Heacock; Amanda Pfeiler; Lindsay Williams.

4) If you would like to order a Memory Book, which is received the last day of school, bring $12 to the main office. This is ensure you will receive a memory book.

5) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated and if there is a question please check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

6) If anyone is interested in Cheerleading Tryout for Senior High School, there is a parent/student meeting on Thursday, March 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the Nora Gym.

7) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

8) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

9) Sports Today - Boys Red Basketball...Jefferson Red vs. Mazzuchelli Blue. 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Mazzuchelli; both games begin at 4 p.m.

10) Congratulations to the 6th grade Dream Center boys basketball team. They won the West Dubuque basketball tournament this weekend!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015 - Day A

Student Announcements - Monday, March 9, 2015 - Day A

1) Are you between the ages of 13-17? How would you like to earn $1,000 this summer? Future Talk is a program of diverse youth expanding and strengthening the community through work in the outdoors, working with local partners, environmental literacy, and service to the community. Financial literacy and employment workshops are offered to each participant to help youth reach their highest potential. Applications are available for pick up at the Multicultural Family Center or on their website: mfcdbq.org and are due by March 15, 2015.

2) YOU ARE INVITED…HAVE SOME SOCCER FUN at the 1ST ANNUAL HEMPSTEAD YOUTH SOCCER CLINIC; presented by Hempstead Men’s Soccer Team. All boys and girls in Elementary and Middle school are invited to attend at the Hempstead High School North Gym. Wear tennis shoes and shin guards please. This takes place on Saturday, March 14, 2015; check-in at 9:00 a.m. and clinic begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. The MVC-conference ranked Hempstead Men’s Soccer team will train with the future soccer stars on shooting, dribbling, passing, and other soccer skills in a fun environment. Cost of registration will be $20 for per player, walk-ins are welcome. Stop by the main office for a registration form. Pizza will be served with the soccer team from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; parents/family are also welcome to attend; cost for this is $5 per person!

3) Birthdays Today - March 9th...Baylor Kivlahan.

4) If you would like to order a Memory Book, which is received the last day of school, bring $12 to the main office. This is ensure you will receive a memory book.

5) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated and if there is a question please check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

6) If anyone is interested in Cheerleading Tryout for Senior High School, there is a parent/student meeting on Thursday, March 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the Nora Gym.

7) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

8) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

9) Sports Today - Boys Gold Basketball...Jefferson Gold vs. Roosevelt Silver. 7th grade at Roosevelt and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games begin at 4 p.m.

Jefferson Site Council Our next Site Council meeting will be held in the Jefferson library on Monday, March 9th from 5:30 -6:30 pm. Please feel free to come and join us. Our main topic for discussion will be school funding.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015 - Day B

Student Announcements - Friday, March 6, 2015 - Day B

1) Are you between the ages of 13-17? How would you like to earn $1,000 this summer? Future Talk is a program of diverse youth expanding and strengthening the community through work in the outdoors, working with local partners, environmental literacy, and service to the community. Financial literacy and employment workshops are offered to each participant to help youth reach their highest potential. Applications are available for pick up at the Multicultural Family Center or on their website: mfcdbq.org and are due by March 15, 2015.

2) YOU ARE INVITED…HAVE SOME SOCCER FUN at the 1ST ANNUAL HEMPSTEAD YOUTH SOCCER CLINIC; presented by Hempstead Men’s Soccer Team. All boys and girls in Elementary and Middle school are invited to attend at the Hempstead High School North Gym. Wear tennis shoes and shin guards please. This takes place on Saturday, March 14, 2015; check-in at 9:00 a.m. and clinic begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. The MVC-conference ranked Hempstead Men’s Soccer team will train with the future soccer stars on shooting, dribbling, passing, and other soccer skills in a fun environment. Cost of registration will be $20 for per player, walk-ins are welcome. Stop by the main office for a registration form. Pizza will be served with the soccer team from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; parents/family are also welcome to attend; cost for this is $5 per person!

3) Birthdays Today - March 7th...Dylan Schalk.

4) Registration for Dubuque Pony League Baseball (formerly Dubuque Little League) is now open through March 6th. Please visit our web site at http://www.dbqpony.org for more information.

5) If you would like to order a Memory Book, which is received the last day of school, bring $12 to the main office. This is ensure you will receive a memory book.

6) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated. Check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

7) If anyone is interested in Cheerleading Tryout for Senior High School, there is a parent/student meeting on Thursday, March 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the Nora Gym.

8) 6th grade girls and boys interested in playing basketball for the HillHawks, intramurals start next week. Sign up in the lunch room. You must have a physical on file to participate.

9) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

10) Ms. Lenz is very proud to announce that one of their 7-2 students, Addi Coenen, won second place in the Write Women Back Into History Essay Contest. In addition to winning $75, she will be honored in a ceremony at the State Historical Building and introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate in Des Moines in March (Women's History Month). Congratulations, Addi! Great work!

11) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

Dubuque Junior Saints Hockey Congratulations to the DBQ Jr Saints! They were 1st place champions in Monroe, WI to end the season this past weekened. Way to go Tristan Priest, Charlie Fiegen, Baylor Kivlahan and Hunter Roraff!

Jefferson Site Council Our next Site Council meeting will be held in the Jefferson library on Monday, March 9th from 5:30 -6:30 pm. Please feel free to come and join us. Our main topic for discussion will be school funding.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday, March 5, 2015 - Day A

Student Announcements - Thursday, March 5, 2015 - Day A

1) Are you between the ages of 13-17? How would you like to earn $1,000 this summer? Future Talk is a program of diverse youth expanding and strengthening the community through work in the outdoors, working with local partners, environmental literacy, and service to the community. Financial literacy and employment workshops are offered to each participant to help youth reach their highest potential. Applications are available for pick up at the Multicultural Family Center or on their website: mfcdbq.org and are due by March 15, 2015.

2) YOU ARE INVITED…HAVE SOME SOCCER FUN at the 1ST ANNUAL HEMPSTEAD YOUTH SOCCER CLINIC; presented by Hempstead Men’s Soccer Team. All boys and girls in Elementary and Middle school are invited to attend at the Hempstead High School North Gym. Wear tennis shoes and shin guards please. This takes place on Saturday, March 14, 2015; check-in at 9:00 a.m. and clinic begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. The MVC-conference ranked Hempstead Men’s Soccer team will train with the future soccer stars on shooting, dribbling, passing, and other soccer skills in a fun environment. Cost of registration will be $20 for per player, walk-ins are welcome. Stop by the main office for a registration form. Pizza will be served with the soccer team from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; parents/family are also welcome to attend; cost for this is $5 per person!

3) Birthdays Today - March 5th...Shakera Jackson, Erika Rohner, Marcus Sierra.

4) Registration for Dubuque Pony League Baseball (formerly Dubuque Little League) is now open through March 6th. Please visit our web site at http://www.dbqpony.org for more information.

5) If you would like to order a Memory Book, which is received the last day of school, bring $12 to the main office. This is ensure you will receive a memory book.

6) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated. Check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

7) If anyone is interested in Cheerleading Tryout for Senior High School, there is a parent/student meeting on Thursday, March 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the Nora Gym.

8) 6th grade girls and boys interested in playing basketball for the HillHawks, intramurals start next week. Sign up in the lunch room. You must have a physical on file to participate.

9) Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! House 6-1: Payton Gibson & Kaliyah Johnson; House 6-2: Tyler Field & Jodie Tunque; House 7-1: Hanidin Kamram & Dustin Riesselman; House 7-2: Colton Davis & Faith Jasper; House 8-1: Carly Dalberg & Zach Smith; House 8-2: Taya Hess & Kassidy Gerken. https://www.smore.com/3xy23

10) Ms. Lenz is very proud to announce that one of their 7-2 students, Addi Coenen, won second place in the Write Women Back Into History Essay Contest. In addition to winning $75, she will be honored in a ceremony at the State Historical Building and introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate in Des Moines in March (Women's History Month). Congratulations, Addi! Great work!

11) Girls, ages 7th grade to 12th grade are invited to an upcoming leader program hosted by Girl Scouts called Raise Your Voice being held at Clarke University this summer on June 26-28, 2015. Please register to attend by May 28, 2015: $85/Girl Scout • $70/Adult. Register early – before April 1 – and get a $10 discount! All fees include meals, lodging, journey books, and supplies. Separate sessions are available for parents and troop leaders. Questions? We have answers! RaiseYourVoice@GirlScoutsToday.org or call 800-798-0833 or GirlScoutsToday.org

Dubuque Junior Saints Hockey Congratulations to the DBQ Jr Saints! They were 1st place champions in Monroe, WI to end the season this past weekened. Way to go Tristan Priest, Charlie Fiegen, Baylor Kivlahan and Hunter Roraff!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - Day B

Student Announcements - Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - Day B

1) Are you between the ages of 13-17? How would you like to earn $1,000 this summer? Future Talk is a program of diverse youth expanding and strengthening the community through work in the outdoors, working with local partners, environmental literacy, and service to the community. Financial literacy and employment workshops are offered to each participant to help youth reach their highest potential. Applications are available for pick up at the Multicultural Family Center or on their website: mfcdbq.org and are due by March 15, 2015.

2) YOU ARE INVITED…HAVE SOME SOCCER FUN at the 1ST ANNUAL HEMPSTEAD YOUTH SOCCER CLINIC; presented by Hempstead Men’s Soccer Team. All boys and girls in Elementary and Middle school are invited to attend at the Hempstead High School North Gym. Wear tennis shoes and shin guards please. This takes place on Saturday, March 14, 2015; check-in at 9:00 a.m. and clinic begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. The MVC-conference ranked Hempstead Men’s Soccer team will train with the future soccer stars on shooting, dribbling, passing, and other soccer skills in a fun environment. Cost of registration will be $20 for per player, walk-ins are welcome. Registrations received by March 4, 2015, will receive a prize upon check-in. Stop by the main office for a registration form. Pizza will be served with the soccer team from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; parents/family are also welcome to attend; cost for this is $5 per person!

3) Birthdays Today - March 4th...Ashley Klein, Elayne Meyer.

4) Registration for Dubuque Pony League Baseball (formerly Dubuque Little League) is now open through March 6th. Please visit our web site at http://www.dbqpony.org for more information.

5) If you would like to order a Memory Book, which is received the last day of school, bring $12 to the main office. This is ensure you will receive a memory book.

6) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated. Check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

7) If anyone is interested in Cheerleading Tryout for Senior High School, there is a parent/student meeting on Thursday, March 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the Nora Gym.

8) 6th grade girls and boys interested in playing basketball for the HillHawks, intramurals start next week. Sign up in the lunch room. You must have a physical on file to participate.

Book Fair Thank you to everyone that supported our Book Fair. We were able to profit over $700. This money will be used to purchase books for the library. Thanks to the library staff for their work in making this a successful event!

Write Women Back into History Ms. Lenz is very proud to announce that one of their 7-2 students, Addi Coenen, won second place in the Write Women Back Into History Essay Contest. In addition to winning $75, she will be honored in a ceremony at the State Historical Building and introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate in Des Moines in March (Women's History Month). Congratulations, Addi! Great work!

Dubuque Junior Saints Hockey Congratulations to the DBQ Jr Saints! They were 1st place champions in Monroe, WI to end the season this past weekened. Way to go Tristan Priest, Charlie Fiegen, Baylor Kivlahan and Hunter Roraff!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015 - Day A

Student Announcements - Tuesday, March 3, 2015 - Day A

1) Are you between the ages of 13-17? How would you like to earn $1,000 this summer? Future Talk is a program of diverse youth expanding and strengthening the community through work in the outdoors, working with local partners, environmental literacy, and service to the community. Financial literacy and employment workshops are offered to each participant to help youth reach their highest potential. Applications are available for pick up at the Multicultural Family Center or on their website: mfcdbq.org and are due by March 15, 2015.

2) YOU ARE INVITED…HAVE SOME SOCCER FUN at the 1ST ANNUAL HEMPSTEAD YOUTH SOCCER CLINIC; presented by Hempstead Men’s Soccer Team. All boys and girls in Elementary and Middle school are invited to attend at the Hempstead High School North Gym. Wear tennis shoes and shin guards please. This takes place on Saturday, March 14, 2015; check-in at 9:00 a.m. and clinic begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. The MVC-conference ranked Hempstead Men’s Soccer team will train with the future soccer stars on shooting, dribbling, passing, and other soccer skills in a fun environment. Cost of registration will be $20 for per player, walk-ins are welcome. Registrations received by March 4, 2015, will receive a prize upon check-in. Stop by the main office for a registration form. Pizza will be served with the soccer team from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; parents/family are also welcome to attend; cost for this is $5 per person!

3) Birthdays Today - March 3rd...Rachel WaltersDavis.

4) Registration for Dubuque Pony League Baseball (formerly Dubuque Little League) is now open through March 6th. Please visit our web site at http://www.dbqpony.org for more information.

5) If you would like to order a Memory Book, which is received the last day of school, bring $12 to the main office. This is ensure you will receive a memory book.

6) Sports Today - Boys Gold Basketball...Jefferson Gold vs. Drexler Black. 7th grade at Drexler and 8th grade at Jefferson; both games begin at 4 p.m.

7) Congratulations to the 7th grade class, they won the last 6 weeks of the Spirit Wear competition. 6th grade was a very close 2nd, and 8th grade wasn’t far behind in third. This Friday, 7th graders will be getting a special treat from Mr. Kramer. Remember every Friday wear your Jefferson Apparel! Go HillHawks!

8) On March 25th, Track will be starting for 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Make sure your physical is updated. Check with Mrs. Moore in the main office.

9) If anyone is interested in Cheerleading Tryout for Senior High School, there is a parent/student meeting on Thursday, March 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the Nora Gym.

Book Fair Thank you to everyone that supported our Book Fair. We were able to profit over $700. This money will be used to purchase books for the library. Thanks to the library staff for their work in making this a successful event!

Dubuque Junior Saints Hockey Congratulations to the DBQ Jr Saints! They were 1st place champions in Monroe, WI to end the season this past weekened. Way to go Tristan Priest, Charlie Fiegen, Baylor Kivlahan and Hunter Roraff!

Write Women Back into History Ms. Lenz is very proud to announce that one of their 7-2 students, Addi Coenen, won second place in the Write Women Back Into History Essay Contest. In addition to winning $75, she will be honored in a ceremony at the State Historical Building and introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate in Des Moines in March (Women's History Month). Congratulations, Addi! Great work!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015 - Day B

Student Announcements - Monday, March 2, 2015 - Day B

1) Are you between the ages of 13-17? How would you like to earn $1,000 this summer? Future Talk is a program of diverse youth expanding and strengthening the community through work in the outdoors, working with local partners, environmental literacy, and service to the community. Financial literacy and employment workshops are offered to each participant to help youth reach their highest potential. Applications are available for pick up at the Multicultural Family Center or on their website: mfcdbq.org and are due by March 15, 2015.

2) YOU ARE INVITED…HAVE SOME SOCCER FUN at the 1ST ANNUAL HEMPSTEAD YOUTH SOCCER CLINIC; presented by Hempstead Men’s Soccer Team. All boys and girls in Elementary and Middle school are invited to attend at the Hempstead High School North Gym. Wear tennis shoes and shin guards please. This takes place on Saturday, March 14, 2015; check-in at 9:00 a.m. and clinic begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. The MVC-conference ranked Hempstead Men’s Soccer team will train with the future soccer stars on shooting, dribbling, passing, and other soccer skills in a fun environment. Cost of registration will be $20 for per player, walk-ins are welcome. Registrations received by March 4, 2015, will receive a prize upon check-in. Stop by the main office for a registration form. Pizza will be served with the soccer team from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; parents/family are also welcome to attend; cost for this is $5 per person!

3) Birthdays Today - March 2nd...Arian Cruz, Isabella Kuennen, Tamar Matthew, Donometris Wynn.

4) Registration for Dubuque Pony League Baseball (formerly Dubuque Little League) is now open through March 6th. Please visit our web site at http://www.dbqpony.org for more information.

5) If you would like to order a Memory Book, which is received the last day of school, bring $12 to the main office. This is ensure you will receive a memory book.

Dubuque Junior Saints Hockey Congratulations to the DBQ Jr Saints! They were 1st place champions in Monroe, WI to end the season this past weekened. Way to go Tristan Priest, Charlie Fiegen, Baylor Kivlahan and Hunter Roraff!

Ms. Lenz is very proud to announce that one of their 7-2 students, Addi Coenen, won second place in the Write Women Back Into History Essay Contest. In addition to winning $75, she will be honored in a ceremony at the State Historical Building and introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate in Des Moines in March (Women's History Month). Congratulations, Addi! Great work!