Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Day B

1) 7th and 8th graders please sign up for dance and boys basketball this week in the cafeteria. The season begins January 7th. Make sure you have an updated sports physical on file. Go Hillhawks!

2) New LEAP programs beginning second semester. Make sure you are signed up today! Two new programs to pay special attention to are Bridge Club and NASA. Bridge is where you can test your wits and learn how to be a professional Bridge player. The NASA class will teach you about rocketry and aeronautics. There may be opportunities to fly in a real plane.

3) There will be no after school Leap Programs and no Homework Help tomorrow after school.

4) Birthdays Today - December 19th...Marcus Nathan.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012 Day A

1) 7th and 8th graders please sign up for dance and boys basketball this week in the cafeteria. The season begins January 7th. Make sure you have an updated sports physical on file. Go Hillhawks!

2) New LEAP programs beginning second semester. Make sure you are signed up today! Two new programs to pay special attention to are Bridge Club and NASA. Bridge is where you can test your wits and learn how to be a professional Bridge player. The NASA class will teach you about rocketry and aeronautics. There may be opportunities to fly in a real plane.

3) Birthdays Today - December 18th...Dillon Gottschalk.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012 Day A

1) Sports Today - Girls Basketball...Jefferson vs. Mazzuchelli Blue. 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Mazzuchelli; both games begin at 4 p.m.

2) Birthdays Today - December 17th...Jasmine Greve, Brendan Kotz, Brianna Kotz.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Thank you DRA!

Christmas came early to TJMS Live when our production studio equipment began to arrive! Thank you to the DRA for the $7,500 grant to update our tv studio! We can't wait to use our new equipment in 2013 and beyond!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012 Day A

1) The Jefferson Dance Marathon is today. Admission to the dance is $3.00. "Dance Marathon" rubber bracelets, food and drink will also be available to purchase. There will be a dodgeball tournament.

2) Birthdays Today - December 14th...Peyton Hoyer, Natalie Leach. December 15th...Jax Dolan. December 16th...Natalie Campbell, Elizabeth Freiburger.

3) No eCYBERMISSION today!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012 Day B

1) Invitation...Any students interested in playing Dodgeball for the Leap Program should sign up ASAP. We would like a larger group for the last few programs.

2) The Jewelry Bonanza (Leap Program) for today is earrings. Reminder...The Leap Program (Trip to Museum) for today is "Play It Like An Animal".

3) The Jefferson Dance Marathon is tomorrow, December 14th. Students can purchase admission tickets in the main office today or tomorrow during homebase/advisory time. Admission to the dance is $3.00. "Dance Marathon" rubber bracelets, food and drink will also be available to purchase. There will be a dodgeball tournament. Dodgeball teams may sign up in Mrs. Bushman or Mrs. McCullough's homebases throughout the week. Teams may be no larger than 10 people.

4) Sports Today - Wrestling...Roosevelt vs. Drexler vs. Jefferson at Jefferson beginning at 4 p.m.

5) Birthdays Today - December 13th...Jeremiah Brown, Ethan Sanchez.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Day A

1) Invitation...Any students interested in playing Dodgeball for the Leap Program should sign up ASAP. We would like a larger group for the last few programs.

2) The Jewelry Bonanza (Leap Program) for Thursday is earrings. There will be no Leap Programs today, due to the early release.

3) Reminder...The Leap Program (Trip to Museum) for tomorrow is "Play It Like An Animal".

4) The Jefferson Dance Marathon is on Friday, December 14th. Students can purchase admission tickets in the main office on Thursday or Friday during homebase/advisory time. Admission to the dance is $3.00. "Dance Marathon" rubber bracelets, food and drink will also be available to purchase. There will be a dodgeball tournament. Dodgeball teams may sign up in Mrs. Bushman or Mrs. McCullough's homebases throughout the week. Teams may be no larger than 10 people.

5) Birthdays Today - December 12th...Kara Greve.

Monday, December 10, 2012

TJMS Band Roshek 3.MOV

TJMS Band Roshek 2.MOV

Thank you DRA!

A big thank you to the DRA which provided funding to purchase instruments for Dubuque Community Schools band and orchestra programs.  Without this funding, students would not be able to participate in our many instrumental music activities.  Enjoy some sounds of the season from our TJMS band members who recently performed at the Roshek Building.  More pictures of students using these instruments are shown below.


Click here to view these pictures larger

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012 Day A

1) Invitation...Any students interested in playing Dodgeball for the Leap Program today should sign up asap. We would like a larger group for the last few programs.

2) Jewelry Bonanza (Leap Program) begins today after school. Monday is necklaces, Tuesday is bracelets, and Thursday is earrings.

3) Sports Today - Girls Basketball...Jefferson vs. Washington Blue. 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Washington; both games begin at 4 p.m.

4) Birthdays Today - December 10th...Logan Reavis.

5) Congratulations to the Galactic Unicorns on their great showing at the FLL Competition at Washington Middle School.  Great work!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012 Day B

1) If anyone is interested in buying a wrestling t-shirt which says "I Got Your Back", please see Mr. Morehouse.

2) Birthdays Today - December 8th...Natalie Delaney, Taylor Rehfeldt, Kyra Wilburn. December 9th...Marshon Crowder, Dakota Kirkpatrick, Harrison Kivlahan, Samantha Olson.

3 We are looking for students to represent Jefferson for Young Citizen's Forum. Do you have an opinion on topics like school lunches, year-round school, and the treatment of wild animals? Can you back up your opinions with evidence? Do you like working in a group? Our first meeting will be Monday, December 10th during period 5. More information is available from your homebase or social studies teacher. To sign up, see Ms. Thimmesch in room 207 or Ms. Weber.

4) Lego League will be competing at Washington Middle School on Saturday. Team members include: Elizabeth Freiburger, Stephanie Stewart, Kayla LaPage, Tyler Lyons, Moriah Zimmerman, William Allman, Mason Kobliska, Adam Kuennen, Noah Sabers, and Josh Zimmerman. Thank you to Coach Amy Haverland for all your hard work! Good luck Galactic Unicorns!

5) If you signed up for the spelling bee, check with your language arts teacher for a list of spelling words to study. Our TJMS spelling bee will be held on Wednesday, December 12.

Assistance 'loom-ing' at middle school

Assistance 'loom-ing' at middle school - THonline.com: Tri-state News: learning, education, crafts, knitting, sheep wool: When their homework is finished, the students begin knitting.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012 Day A

1) If anyone is interested in buying a wrestling t-shirt which says "I Got Your Back", please see Mr. Morehouse.

2) There will be no 8th grade girls basketball practice today.

3) The following students were chosen to be published in the Creative Communication Fall Essay Contest this year. (Ben Briones, Marshon Crowder, Breana Freihoefer, Lizzie Grace, Courtney Green, Keli Jones, Paisley Kascel, Mallory McDonald, Nick Miller, Hemmy Milton, Adam Mueller, Sierra Sanchez, Rebecca Schueller, Alex Sprecher, Jessica Stewart, Alissa Ties, Michael Weidemann, Sam Wieland)

4) We are looking for students to represent Jefferson for Young Citizen's Forum. Do you have an opinion on topics like school lunches, year-round school, and the treatment of wild animals? Can you back up your opinions with evidence? Do you like working in a group? Our first meeting will be Tuesday, December 11th during period 5. More information is available from your homebase or social studies teacher. To sign up, see Ms. Thimmesch in room 207 or Ms. Weber.

5) Lego League will be meeting on Thursday during Period 5 in the Auditorium.

6) If you signed up for the spelling bee, check with your language arts teacher for a list of spelling words to study. Our TJMS spelling bee will be held on Wednesday, December 12. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Day B

1) If anyone is interested in buying a wrestling t-shirt which says "I Got Your Back", please see Mr. Morehouse.

2) There will be no 8th grade girls basketball practice tomorrow night, December 6th.

3) Birthdays Today - December 5th...Wesley Meyer, Randle Milton.

4) We are looking for students to represent Jefferson for Young Citizen's Forum. Do you have an opinion on topics like school lunches, year-round school, and the treatment of wild animals? Can you back up your opinions with evidence? Do you like working in a group? Our first meeting will be Monday, December 10th during period 5. More information is available from your homebase or social studies teacher. To sign up, see Ms. Thimmesch in room 207 or Ms. Weber.

5) Lego League will be meeting on Thursday during Period 5 in the Auditorium.

6) If you signed up for the spelling bee, check with your language arts teacher for a list of spelling words to study. Our TJMS spelling bee will be held on Wednesday, December 12.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 Day A

1) Future Hempstead wrestlers did you know you can join the Hempstead Wrestling Club every Monday and Tuesday night from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Hempstead wrestling room. See Mr. Hatcher for more details.

2) If anyone is interested in buying a wrestling t-shirt which says "I Got Your Back", please see Mr. Morehouse.

3) Sports Today - Girls Basketball...Jefferson vs. Roosevelt Purple. 7th grade at Jefferson and 8th grade at Roosevelt; both games begin at 4 p.m.

4) Birthdays Today - December 4th...Jordan Hennessy.

5) We are looking for students to represent Jefferson for Young Citizen's Forum. Do you have an opinion on topics like school lunches, year-round school, and the treatment of wild animals? Can you back up your opinions with evidence? Do you like working in a group? Our first meeting will be Monday, December 10th during period 5. More information is available from your homebase or social studies teacher. To sign up, see Ms. Thimmesch in room 207 or Ms. Weber.

6) Lego League will be meeting on Tuesday during Period 5 in the Auditorium.

7) If you signed up for the spelling bee, check with your language arts teacher for a list of spelling words to study. Our TJMS spelling bee will be held on Wednesday, December 12. If you are interested in participating, see Ms. Weber by Tuesday, Dec 4th.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012 Day B

1) Future Hempstead wrestlers did you know you can join the Hempstead Wrestling Club every Monday and Tuesday night from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Hempstead wrestling room. See Mr. Hatcher for more details.

2) If anyone is interested in buying a wrestling t-shirt which says "I Got Your Back", please see Mr. Morehouse.

3) We are looking for students to represent Jefferson for Young Citizen's Forum. Do you have an opinion on topics like school lunches, year-round school, and the treatment of wild animals? Can you back up your opinions with evidence? Do you like working in a group? Our first meeting will be Monday, December 10th during period 5. More information is available from your homebase or social studies teacher. To sign up, see Ms. Thimmesch in room 207 or Ms. Weber.

4) Lego League will be meeting on Tuesday during Period 5 in the Auditorium.

5) If you signed up for the spelling bee, check with your language arts teacher for a list of spelling words to study. Our TJMS spelling bee will be held on Wednesday, December 12. If you are interested in participating, see Ms. Weber by Tuesday, Dec 4th.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Students compete in 2nd Science Bowl

Students compete in 2nd Science Bowl - THonline.com: Tri-state News: education, sports, galena,: The Dubuque Community School District welcomed 16 teams of advanced science students for the second annual Science Bowl on Nov. 3 at Eleanor R…